I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2048 – 2049

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Chapter 2048

Rayna was stunned on the spot.

She was a shrew, and she was not welcomed by her parents since she was a child. When she grew up, she knew that her parents were not her biological parents, and she almost died from being abused by her parents. Rayna never washed anyone’s feet.

Still waiting!

She and Jun Ruian have been together for almost two years, and it is Jun Ruian who washes her feet, okay?

Your son is noble!

Come on, young master of Kyoto!

Be noble!

But my aunt’s feet were washed by your son!

Aunt, I have never washed your son’s feet!

Before Rayna changed his face, he scolded him viciously in his heart.

Jun Ruian next to him was also stunned.

Mother is usually very gentle.

There are so many maids in the family, and there are many serving tea and water, but the mother never let the close maid wash her feet.

what is it today?

Deliberately making things difficult for Rayna?

Jun Ruian’s heart suddenly became angry!

Just as he was about to get up and discuss with his mother, he saw Rayna say with a smile, “Okay, Auntie.”

Jun Ruian: “…”

He was stunned on the spot, okay?

Unexpectedly, Rayna didn’t even change his face, so he agreed with a smile.

Jun Ruian stared blankly at Rayna, but Rayna still had a smile on his face: “Auntie, wait a moment, I’ll get you hot water, by the way, Auntie, where are your socks? I’ll bring you here, as well as the foot oil you rubbed on your feet, where is it?

I’ll bring it to you together, and after I’ve washed your feet in a while, I’ll wipe your feet.

Put your socks on again.

This will save your feet from freezing.

At your age, you just can’t have cold feet. “

After some words, let alone Jun Ruian, even Zhao Wenpei was stunned.

This little lady!

Last week, I saw her splashing in the hospital, no different from a shrew who scolded the street.

How can you be so calm today?

Originally, I wanted my son to see the saucy face of this little lady with his own eyes.

Good now.

It made her Zhao Wenpei speechless.

Zhao Wenpei said in a sarcastic tone: “Socks and foot oil are in the suitcase.”

“Okay auntie, I’ll go get it for you now.” Rayna ran away briskly.

Jun Ruian: “Rong…”

Rayna turned around and gave Jun Ruian a sweet smile.

She knew what Jun Ruian was worried about her, but Rayna didn’t expect that she could endure so much.

She remembered what Suzi said to her.

Every word of Suzi, Rayna is like a god, Suzi is too good to her, Rayna also knows that Suzi especially hopes that she can have a good home, a good family, and let her be the father of her. The orphan abandoned by his mother raised his eyebrows once.

Besides, just like Suzi, he still bows his head to his father-in-law, not to mention her?

Rayna learned a lot of life principles from Suzi.

Also learned a lot of tolerance.

As Suzi said, you love Ruian, and you have to tolerate Ruian’s family.

Chapter 2049

Even if it is to do something for Jun Ruian.

After all, Jun Ruian loves her so much and washes her feet every day.

Rayna was brisk and trotted to bring the future mother-in-law’s socks and the skin cream for her feet to the sofa. Then she got up and went to the bathroom to pick up a large bucket of hot water. Zhao Wenpei’s heel.

Seeing this, Jun Ruian immediately wanted to help Rayna, but was stopped by Rayna: “No, Ruian, don’t come here, it’s not that you don’t know, when you wash your feet, you usually I brought it here by myself, and I moved it. You sit in front of Auntie and talk to Auntie.

I’m responsible for washing my aunt’s feet to the end. “

She spoke with a little sweetness, and Zhao Wenpei couldn’t help but feel happy when she heard it.

She looked at Rayna with a smile, and praised her son: “Rayna is like this, she is really good at training, my mother likes this. After marrying into our Jun’s family, to you, to your father, To my mother, it would be great to be able to obey.”

Jun Ruian: “…”

In a daze, Rayna had brought a large bucket of foot-washing water to Zhao Wenpei. She moved a low stool and sat opposite Zhao Wenpei. She bent down and started wearing slippers for Zhao Wenpei.

Then I tested the water temperature with my hand, and then said to Zhao Wenpei, “The water temperature is just right, Auntie.”

After finishing speaking, Rayna personally put Zhao Wenpei’s feet in the tub.

Rayna, who has never washed her feet, has followed Suzi and Galia to several beauty salons. She also knows a little about the process of pinching her feet.

Fighting with the memory in his head, Rayna washing the feet of his future mother-in-law is really like that.

“Auntie, just press your heel with your thumb, so as to prevent bone spurs from growing, and the sole of the foot has the most acupuncture points. I will press it for you, tilt your head back, and put your feet on the back. here I am.

Yes, yes, that’s it.

Auntie, if you think it hurts, I will try harder.

If you can bear it, I’ll push harder.

Auntie, how do you feel now? “

Make Zhao Wenpei comfortable, lying on the sofa, not wanting to move, only humming.

To tell the truth, she goes to the beauty salon almost twice a week, and she must massage her whole body, most importantly her feet.

But those technicians have skills, but they are not focused enough or hard enough.

It’s really not as good as Rayna’s half bottle of vinegar now. At least, her good service attitude makes Zhao Wenpei extremely enjoy.

She was too lazy to answer Rayna.

Just um, hum.

Rayna just sat opposite Zhao Wenpei like this, exerting all her strength to suckle, massaged her for an hour, and massaged Zhao Wenpei so well that she almost fell asleep.

Finally, the water in the big wooden bucket was cold, and Rayna’s hands were sore from pressing, so she shouted: “Auntie, your feet are pressed, and I also smeared on you with foot oil.

Auntie, your feet are so tender.

He didn’t look like someone in his early fifties at all.

I think your feet are more tender than mine. “

Rayna has never praised anyone like this, and she is not such a sweet-mouthed person.

But for your own happiness.

For the sake of her fiancé, after hearing what Suzi told her, Rayna really had the strength to suck up, trying her best to please her future mother-in-law.

She thought that if she did this by herself, her future mother-in-law must like her very, very much.

From time to time, she proudly looked at Jun Ruian, her fiancé with a guilty face and a happy face, as if to say to Jun Ruian again: “How is it, my wife and I am a good wife and good mother?

I didn’t embarrass you, did I? “

Jun Ruian raised his eyebrows and nodded, and gave Rayna a thumbs up.

He kept talking to Mi Min and said, “Wife, you’ve worked hard! Wife is excellent, wife, husband cheers for you!”

Seeing Jun Ruian encouraging him like this, Rayna couldn’t be happier.

She thought that she had finally passed the hurdle in front of her future mother-in-law.

She doesn’t have to worry anymore.

However, just when Rayna and Jun Ruian were extremely happy, they heard Zhao Wenpei say lazily and feebly: “You are really cheap! You are even more cheap than the housemaid at home! How can my son marry a b!tch like you who can lick?

Rayna was stunned on the spot: “You…what did you say?”

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