I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2044 – 2045

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Chapter 2044

Seeing the heroic arrival, Pan Mingsai was stunned.

She looked at Yingzi dutifully, and smiled lightly: “This sister, I… I don’t know you? Have we… met?”

Yingzi originally wanted to find some of Pan Haoyang’s heroic appearance from Pan Mingsai, but when she saw Pan Mingsai, Yingzi was extremely disappointed.

Pan Haoyang is very good-looking, and in the crowd of men, he is a beautiful man.

Even, Pan Haoyang’s appearance is no worse than Arron.

The two do not want to write it down, each with their own characteristics.

However, Yingzi never thought that Pan Ming was so ugly.

“What’s the matter? Sister?” Pan Mingsai still asked neither humble nor arrogant.

An unspeakable bitterness burst out of Yingzi’s heart.

It was the kind of bitterness that I could never get from Pan Haoyang again.

Pan Mingsai has such an ugly and unpleasant face, and Pan Haoyang still loves this little niece so much.

This shows that Pan Haoyang has a strong sense of family affection.

Yingzi misses Pan Haoyang again.

With red eyes, she called a package and handed it to Pan Mingsai, and then said in a hoarse voice, “I went abroad a few days ago and brought back some things from abroad. These are… all of you. Four uncle left it to you.

A check for ten million.

And some of his relics. “

“What?” Tears welled up in Pan Mingsai’s eyes.

After a pause, she looked at Yingzi with an expression of disbelief: “Sister, what did you say… How do you know my fourth uncle? Is my fourth uncle still… still alive?”

In fact, Pan Mingsaiming knew that the fourth uncle was dead.

She watched her fourth uncle be buried with her own eyes.

Fourth uncle is impossible to survive.

It was just this moment that Pan Mingsai felt sad when he heard someone say that he had his fourth uncle’s relic.

Yingzi also cried: “Your fourth uncle is indeed dead, and I don’t want him to die, I miss him very much, especially, but he is already dead.

Before your fourth uncle died, he told me that he had saved a sum of money for you abroad to let you go to college.

He said he doesn’t want you to go to college with someone else’s money.

Don’t use anyone’s money.

He doesn’t want you to owe someone else.

He wants you to be self-reliant. “

“No! No!” Pan Mingsai cried like a child: “I don’t want my fourth uncle’s money! I owe no one’s money! I can support myself, I just want my fourth uncle not to die!

I just want my fourth uncle not to die!

woohoo woo…”

Rayna + Galia: “…”

After a long while, Galia persuaded: “Mingsai, don’t cry Baoer first, let’s see first, what is your fourth uncle’s relic?”

Pan Mingsai wiped away his tears and opened the package while nodding.

Opening flash included.

Pan Mingsai burst into tears again.

In a small box, there are hundreds of photos of the Pan family.


When Pan Haoyang grew up, it was taken with his parents, with his three short brothers, and even a few others, which were taken by Pan Haoyang holding his little niece Pan Mingsai.

The entire Pan family no longer has these precious photos, but Pan Haoyang still keeps them.

He has always cherished that family very much.

I have always regarded the Pan family more than anyone else.

He wanted to integrate into the Pan family.

Until the moment he left Jiaxing Island, he didn’t know that the Pan family wanted to treat him like that, but he still took away those precious photos.

Pan Mingsai’s heart seemed to be torn apart.

She squatted on the ground holding those photos and cried “fourth uncle…fourth uncle…we…our whole family is sorry for you, fourth uncle…

Fourth uncle, can you survive?

I will be filial to you in the future, and I will not let you be alone.

I will take good care of you for a lifetime.

Like taking care of my parents, Fourth Uncle… woo woo woo. “

Chapter 2045

Pan Mingsai cried and couldn’t stand up. Rayna and Galia, who were next to him, did not persuade him either.

They have met several times. When Pan Mingsai mentioned his fourth uncle, he was so bitter. She was a girl with great affection.

So Rayna and Galia knew about this situation, so they waited for Pan Mingsai to cry enough.

But Yingzi doesn’t know.

When Yingzi saw that Pan Mingsai was in such a hard time, she seemed to have found her confidant suddenly. She squatted down, supported Pan Mingsai, and whispered, “Sai Sai…”

It was as if she was very familiar with Pan Mingsai.

In fact, it was the first time she met Pan Mingsai.

“Don’t cry, Sai Sai… Although your fourth uncle is gone, there is still me. I will take care of you!” At this moment, Ying Zi suddenly found hope of living.

She had always wanted to commit suicide, but now Yingzi completely dispelled this idea.

She has hope in the future.

That is, she must treat Pan Mingsai as her own sister and take care of Pan Mingsai.

Let each other warm each other.

“Sai Sai, are you willing to let me take care of your mother?” Yingzi asked.

Pan Mingsai raised his head and nodded heavily: “Well, sister…”

She is a smart girl: “sister, are you my fourth uncle’s lover?”

“I like your fourth uncle. Your fourth uncle treats me very well. He is the best man in the world. It is your fourth uncle who let me know what love is. Once.” Yingzi laughed and cried again.

At this moment, she felt that life was alive.

is colored.

There is a head start.

“I will live in Kyoto all the year round in the future, but I will try to visit you in Nancheng. Will you study hard?” Yingzi asked.

Pan Mingsai nodded: “Okay sister.”

Yingzi smiled again: “Actually, Mrs. Jun pays me a salary every month, and the salary is a lot, tens of thousands per month, I don’t know how to spend it, and my money will finally be useful in the future.

I’ll keep it for you to read, okay? “

Pan Mingsai nodded obediently: “Okay sister, okay.”

She originally did not accept gifts from anyone.

However, she was able to accept Yingzi very smoothly.

This is really, two people’s hearts have been the same person for four years, and their hearts have come together unknowingly.

When saying goodbye to Pan Mingsai, Yingzi was still reluctant to part, and Pan Mingsai also turned back three times.

However, Galia and Rayna were very pleased.

At least, both of them have found a point of support for each other.

Life is long after that.

After returning from Pan Mingsai, Rayna happily said to Suzi: “Suzi, Suzi, finally coaxed Yingzi, Yingzi now has hope for life.

She said that she will take care of Pan Mingsai in the future.


You said that the clown Niuniu, Sai Sai, but a lot of people take care of her.

Chu Tian Ling Chu is less than one.

Yingzi is also one.

To be honest, the fourth master Pan who died was not the only one who loved his niece. He also loved Sai Sai the clown girl.

Xiangxiang Xiaosaisai, I think she is very happy.

Happier than me! “

“Who said my sister Sai Sai is ugly! She’s not ugly at all! My sister Sai Sai is a beautiful woman! Humph!” A very stern voice came from behind.

The frightened Rayna shivered.

She looked back and smiled suddenly: “Shen Weiyi! You little thing that eats inside and out, is it my kiss, or your sister Sai Sai’s kiss! Also, your sister Sai Sai is a beautiful woman!

Is your sister Sai Sai half as beautiful as me?

Shen only! “

Shen Weiyi couldn’t surpass Rayna, so she made a face at Rayna: “Aunt Rayna, don’t be fierce, anyway, I tell you, you won’t be able to cry soon! Hehehe!”

Rayna was taken aback: “What do you mean?”

Shen Weiyi shrugged innocently: “Let my mother tell you.”

Rayna looked at Suzi again: “Suzi, what happened?”

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