I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 2022 – 2023

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Chapter 2022

After all, a lifelong couple.

Fu Zhengxiong still took pity on her.

It is impossible for Fu Zhengxiong to beg for mercy and let his son spare his wife, he has no face.

Qin Wenyu’s numerous crimes against Shaoqin were enough for Shaoqin to tear Qin Wenyu apart.

However, they were husband and wife for a lifetime.

The only thing he can help Qin Wenyu is to free her.

Now Qin Wenyu, it is better to live than to die.

Faced with a white wall and a white quilt every day, I am not crazy.

But, Qin Wenyu has never been crazy.

This is more difficult.

Seeing this blade, Qin Wenyu burst into tears: “Zhengxiong

, I made mistakes, I know all kinds of mistakes, I am too strong, too strong.

It was me who took advantage of Shanna in order to stabilize our career.

Later, it was me, who led her here and framed her for jail.

Because I found out that you have no feelings for her at all.

I found that you love her.

I am afraid. “

“So I brought her into the country, and I framed her and put her in jail.”

“Think about it now, who did Xiaomin offend?

We destroyed her home.

Ruined her love.

Let her become a junior.

Let her get pregnant, but she doesn’t even have a place to give birth, and she has a baby, but she can’t even enter the Fu family’s side.

Why are we so cruel to her? “

“At that time, we didn’t think so.”

“I don’t think so. I also think that those who do big things should be informal. But we all ignore it. Why should we deprive her of everything?”

“Zhengxiong, you are right.”

“You and I are both sinners.”

“A complete sinner, in the end, Arron won. This child really gave his mother a face. He alone took back all the grievances her mother suffered and everything he lost.

Not only that, but also killed the enemy.

All the enemies, he made them get the punishment they deserved. “

“Qin’er, Qin’er is really good, don’t say Qin’er is your son, even if he is not your son, I think he is good, if I can have a son like Qin’er, How good should it be?”

“I am a sinner.”

“In front of Qin’er, I don’t deserve to be an aunt.”

“So, it’s not too much for him to give such an immortal punishment.”

“Zhengxiong, I thank you, thank you, send me this blade, so that I can finally no longer have to face such white tiles, white walls and white quilts.”

“I’m finally free.”

“Zhengxiong, will you buy me a mat and roll up my body and bury it in loess? Zhengxiong…” Qin Wenyu held the blade and cut it on his own without hesitation while weeping. on the aorta.

The white ward, which was not too big, was suddenly stained with a dirty red.

Quietly this night.

the next day

The sky was overcast.

At five or six in the morning, Fu Zhengxiong got up. He went out to buy breakfast for his son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter with a look of melancholy and vicissitudes on his face.

Fu Zhengxiong, who was in his 70s, ran three streets and then turned around, then walked into the long alley, and then turned around again to buy the fish porridge from that shop.

This was discovered by Fu Zhengxiong alone.

One day when he got up for a walk in the morning, he saw several people who were leisurely

Some old men and women came out of an alley with rice buckets.

Fu Zhengxiong is also free.

It’s okay anyway, just follow that alley.

When I walked into the alley, I found that in the alley, people with rice buckets and people directly carrying small pots came out from the depths.

What is this for?

Fu Zhengxiong who has nothing to do

Chapter 2023

More curious.

He continued to walk along the place where people came out, and when they came to an intersection, he had to turn around again, so he continued to turn outside and walk in.

As a result, I found this very hidden fish porridge shop.

This is really wine, so don’t be afraid of the deep alley.

Fu Zhengxiong sat down and ate a bowl.

It really shocked him.

There are also many domestic servants in the Fu family.

Later, when I came to Shaoqin, although there were not many domestic servants, Sister Tian and Sister Li were both good at cooking, but Fu Zhengxiong had never eaten such delicious and fresh fish porridge.

He ate a bowl and wanted another bowl.

After eating, I thought about taking it back to my granddaughter.

But, what if there is no pot, no rice bucket?

I simply bought a large stainless steel rice bucket from the stall next door.

Fu Zhengxiong asked the person who sold the rice bucket to scald the rice bucket with boiling water, washed it clean, and then bought a whole rice bucket of porridge directly from the porridge shop and went back.

Returning to Arron and Suzi’s residence, he pushed open the door and called Sister Li: “Sister Li, Sister Li, don’t cook porridge, I bought it back.”

Sister Li was about to put the rice in the pot.

Seeing that Fu Zhengxiong brought back a bucket of rice, she was also very curious.

But the old man said not to cook porridge, and she didn’t cook it either. Half an hour later, Suzi, Arron and Wei Yi got up for breakfast one after another. Everyone was stunned when they took their first mouthful of fish porridge.

Especially Shen Weiyi.

She looked at Sister Li in surprise: “Grandma Li, you… Your cooking skills have improved again? You… Grandma Li, I love you so much, I will eat it every day from now on. Can I still have a bowl of your fish porridge, that grandma Li?”

Shen Weiyi was very curious, how did Grandma Li put the fish fillet porridge in the rice bucket?

Grandma Li looked at Shen Weiyi very embarrassedly: “That…the only one, today’s porridge is not…I didn’t cook it, it was…”

Sister Li looked at Fu Zhengxiong.

Shen Weiyi: “…”

Startled for a while, she asked Fu Zhengxiong, “You’ve been through it…”

He was really impressed by the old man Fu.

Fu Zhengxiong immediately smiled apologetically: “No…I didn’t cook it, it was…Grandpa bought it outside, so…is it delicious?”

Shen Weiyi nodded: “Delicious.”

I have to admit that the fish sliced ”‹”‹porridge breakfast that Old Man Fu bought was really delicious.

Incredibly fresh, extraordinarily smooth.

And extremely glutinous.


That morning, Shen Weiyi said to Fu Zhengxiong for the first time, “Thank you, old man Fu.”

A thank you is enough to soften Fu Zhengxiong’s heart.

Since then, Fu Zhengxiong has brought a big bucket of fish fillet porridge to the whole family every now and then.

Moreover, he found that the side dishes in the porridge shop, as well as some other foods, were extremely delicious.

No wonder this porridge shop is so remote, yet so prosperous.

Today, Fu Zhengxiong is actually restless.

Even if he didn’t sleep all night, he couldn’t sit in his top-floor sky garden.

He must get busy and do something.

So, early in the morning, Fu Zhengxiong lined up at the door of the porridge shop with his rice bucket.

After queuing for about an hour, he bought the porridge and side dishes he wanted to buy, as well as some other food.

I finally feel more at ease.

Yes, Fu Zhengxiong

Still unhappy.

He knew, he knew better than anyone, what was going to happen today.

He slowly, while

Walking, Hundred Years walked to the house with tears in his eyes, and when he walked to a place where no one was around, he would cry twice.

It took him forty or fifty minutes to walk home.

The door opened, and Fu Zhengxiong saw the whole family standing at the door looking at him.

Especially Arron, he looked at Fu Zhengxiong calmly.

Fu Zhengxiong asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Dad, she… is dead.” Arron said flatly.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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