I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1954 – 1955

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Chapter 1954

Qiu Cun was stunned for a moment.

Then he was jealous and asked sarcastically, “How did you get Suzi’s perfume?”

Jin Meitian’s face was full of anger that couldn’t be hidden: “Although I got a stink all over, but when I was with the immortal little nerd that day, I asked something useful.”

“What!” Qiu Cun asked heartily.

“That’s the brand of perfume that her mother often used.” Jin Meitian showed off her tone.

Elma: “…”

When I called Jin Meitian here, I thought she was a nerd, an antique.

Now I find that it doesn’t seem to be.

This woman is also sassy in her bones!

However, this is fine. If Jin Meitian can succeed, Arron will provoke Arron, let Arron obey her words, and then fool Arron into not doing his job properly. Since then, he can slowly lead Yingming’s forces to Nancheng.

At that time, Ying Ming and Lenny’s father Jun Chengyin will cooperate, and they will definitely bring down the two iron buddies Arron and Kraig!

“Okay, it’s very good, it’s very fragrant, let’s go, now the fourth Master Fu needs you the most, eh, I told you Mei Tian, ”‹”‹when you marry Shaoqin one day, remember to send me a wedding candy. “

“Hey, people will be shy.” Jin Meitian said hypocritically.

Glancing at Elma, she added vaguely: “Our family Shaoqin has a great wealth, the king of Nancheng, when Shaoqin and I get married, he will definitely have a big banquet. The wedding candy for you, no, it should be chocolate, it must be the best chocolate in the world.”

Seeing Jin Meitian being embraced by happiness, Qiu Cun felt like a knife in his heart.

It was she who brought Jin Meitian here, originally to help herself.

Look at Jin Meitian’s coquettish look now!

Do you think you can really be Arron’s wife?


A short-lived ghost!


Qiu Cun scolded Jin Meitian secretly in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm: “Go, see if Fu Sishao is sober?”

When it comes to Arron’s wine strength, Jin Mei is mixed.

The happy thing is that Arron confided the truth to her as soon as he drank, but the worry was that Arron always thought she smelled bad when he was drunk.

Jin Meitian smelled the perfume on her body again, and she not only gained a little confidence in herself, she walked briskly to the front hall of the Fu family’s old house.

The front hall is where the ice coffin of Mr. Fu Hengsheng is placed.

There has been an endless stream of people who came to offer condolences these two days. When Jin Meitian passed by these people, these people couldn’t help but say, “It’s so fragrant.”

so fragrant?

Jin Meitian’s heart became more and more happy.

The odor was finally removed.


Her pace was faster, and she couldn’t throw herself into Arron’s arms now.

Arron’s wine should not wake up, right? Going to him now, he will smell the perfume on her body and feel familiar, maybe he will immediately put her Jin Meitian in his arms.

Jin Meitian didn’t mind, Arron asked for her in front of the mourning hall.

If she can win the bid at one time, she Jin Meitian can be expensive.

With such a sweet dream, Jin Meitian also came to the front of the mourning hall, and was about to enter, but saw the condolences forming a long line and bowing.

Frightened, Jin Meitian quickly hid aside.

Inside, Arron was not as drunk as he was before, he was barely able to support himself and greeted the guests.

It’s just that the smell of alcohol is everywhere in the mourning hall.

Someone couldn’t help pinching their nose.

As soon as the worship came out, someone whispered: “Hey, it’s really not easy for the president. At the critical moment when his wife was kidnapped, he couldn’t save his wife, but he had to stand here every day. Got it?”

“But, it’s his own grandfather who died now, and he can’t…” Someone whispered.

Another person sneered: “My grandfather? Is this my grandfather kissed? Since I was a child, my grandfather never loved this grandson, until the grandson took over the Fu Group company. Do you have any feelings?”

Chapter 1955

“That’s right, it’s really hard for the president.”

“This old man doesn’t die sooner or later. Why did he die at this time?”


“If the rescue of the president’s wife is delayed because of the funeral of the old man, the president will really be decadent in this life…”

“No one of us outsiders can comfort President Fu.”


The Commission for Discipline Inspection came to offer condolences to several high-level decision makers of the Fu Group, and they were also Arron’s confidants, so they understood the bitterness in Arron’s heart best.

Their conversation went further and further along with their pace.

Listening to this while hiding, Jin Meitian was simply overjoyed.


It’s really when she was Jin Meitian.

Jin Meitian took brisk steps and entered through the side door.

“Four young masters…” Jin Meitian shouted gently.

Arron turned his head and saw Jin Meitian with a rosy face: “What are you doing here!”

Obviously, he is more awake than before.

Jin Meitian was stunned for a moment: “Fourth Young Master…No…I’m sorry, you were drunk earlier, I was very worried about you, I was afraid that you would vomit again when you were drunk, so I came over to have a look. , to see if you need my help.”

Arron: “…”

“Although our Jin family and Fu family seem to have little communication, 30% of the household needs used by the Jin family are provided by the Fu family, which our Jin family has always been grateful for. We are very saddened by the death of Grandpa Fu. , but I…” Having said this, Jin Meitian hesitated for a moment.

She was observing Arron’s expression.

Arron was expressionless.

Jin Meitian continued to speak boldly: “But… I know you must be very worried about your wife, Fu Sishao, I mean, do you need my help? ?”

“Although I’m a woman, I’d love to do something for you, I…” Jin Meitian’s tone paused again.

She said as if she had made up her mind: “I don’t ask for anything in return. I do anything for you voluntarily and for free.”

After speaking, Jin Meitian blushed.

She thinks her acting skills are really good.


She should not be acting, she is speaking the truth.

She is really willing to do anything for Arron, and whatever she said in her heart is actually, even if she makes Arron a bed warmer, she is also willing.

Very willing to.

She blushes at the thought of bed warmers.

Ha, the effect must be very good.

Jin Meitian blushed, looked at Arron timidly, and did not approach Arron.

She is very sensible and self-aware.

Arron suddenly said, “Come here.”

“No!” she said firmly.

Arron looked at her with inquiring eyes: “What’s wrong?”

“You…you think I stink.” Jin Meitian’s eyes were filled with tears.

Arron: “I’m sorry.”

Jin Meitian: “…”

She did not expect that dignified Arron apologized to her. Her tears came down suddenly: “Four young masters…”

“Come here.” Arron shouted.

Jin Meitian’s heart burst out with joy, she wished she could throw herself into Arron’s arms, but she was still timid and walked towards Arron with tears.

“Goblin! Bad woman! Stay away from my father!” At this moment, there was a sudden explosion behind him.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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