I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1946 – 1947

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Chapter 1946

Jin Meitian: “…’

I really hate the smell on myself.

Otherwise, Arron could be taken down today.

What Qin Wenyu said was right at all. Now is Arron’s weakest and most empty moment. This is the best time to take advantage of the emptiness. Unfortunately, she smells bad.


Hate the damn dead child Shen Weiyi!

Why not die!

I always thought that Arron liked this daughter very much, but now Jin Meitian suddenly figured out something. Why did Arron not let Shen Weiwei be named Fu, but let her take her mother’s surname instead.

It turned out that Arron’s mentality did not accept the child.


Then she Jin Meitian is really going to be rude.

“You…go away! Your… stench is making me unbearable! Go…go away!” Arron fell to the ground on his back.

Jin Meitian did not dare to approach Arron again.

She got up and came out with something on her mind. As soon as she left the mourning hall, she saw two domestic servants from the Fu family.

“Miss Jin, young master… How is he, is he still drinking?” one of the domestic servants asked.

Jin Meitian nodded: “Yeah, this can…how is it?”

That tone, as if she was already the mistress of the Fu family.

Another domestic servant also sighed: “Hey, the fourth young master never wanted to come back to this place, and he didn’t have much affection for the deceased old man, so… the fourth young master kept drinking and kept drinking. drink wine.

In fact, I can quite understand the fourth young master. After all, my wife is still in the hands of others, but I have to keep the spirit here, so the four young masters have been drunk for the past two days. Miss Jin, you are the only fourth young master willing to Those who are close, you must persuade the Fourth Young Master to stop drinking. “

“This will hurt the body.”

Both domestic helpers put their hopes on Jin Meitian.

Jin Meitian was even happier.

She smiled gently: “Don’t worry, I will definitely take good care of Shaoqin.”

After saying that, Jin Meitian left.

Her pace is very fast and light, if it wasn’t for the Fu family’s old house covered in white clothes, Jin Meitian would even want to sing.

She briskly came to Qin Wenyu’s room, Qin Wenyu was changing into white linen.

She can’t stay in her room all the time, and she has to keep a watch.

Seeing Jin Meitian coming, Qin Wenyu was a little unhappy: “Didn’t I ask you to accompany Shaoqin!”

Jin Meitian’s expression was extremely excited: “Aunt Qin, I told you Gao News, you really said something right.”

Qin Wenyu asked, “What’s the matter?”

“You’re right, Fourth Master Fu really doesn’t like women who are too obedient to him. He praised me. She said that I was different from other women, that I was special, that I dared to talk back to him, and he said that he would see There are more women who are obedient to him, and women like that will only make him sick.”

Jin Meitian didn’t tell Qin Wenyu what Arron thought she was stinky.

She felt so stinky all over her body, it was too embarrassing.

Qin Wenyu smiled.

The smile was extremely confident: “Humph! I knew that he thought like this!”

After a while, she said, “How can there be a cat in this world that doesn’t steal? How can there be a man who doesn’t want a woman? Shaoqin just knows how to restrain himself. Besides, after so many years, there is really no woman who can enter. his eyes.”

“Like that Lanita, the whole fake, the lowly can’t be more lowly, it’s strange that Shaoqin can like Lanita!”

“And that Walton! He’s also someone who wants to climb the Internet all day long! That kind of heart-to-heart, that kind of method, is simply Sima Zhao’s heart and mind! How could Shaoqin look at such a woman with no personality? “

“It’s only you, Mei Tian, ”‹”‹you are a girl from the largest noble family in Kyoto, and you are different from those women. Just now is when Shaoqin is the weakest, you must seize the opportunity!”

Jin Meitian said immediately: “Well! Thank you Aunt Qin! I will!”

“Go!” Qin Wenyu’s short words meant that Jin Meitian should leave.

Chapter 1947

Jin Meitian immediately said obediently: “Okay, Aunt Qin, I’ll go out first. If you have any orders, just call me, and I will listen to your dispatch at any time.”

The little princess of the dignified Jin family in Jingjing, in front of Qin Wenyu, ordered the soil and bowed her waist like a domestic servant.

However, Jin Meitian thinks she is worth it.

She happily walked out of Qin Wenyu’s room, then took out her mobile phone and called Elma: “Sister Cunxin, where are you? I’m looking for you, and I have good news for you.”

At the other end, Elma was taking a bath in the backyard of Fu’s old house.

Qiu Cun’s heart washed over and over again.

But there was still that strong odor.

Don’t say that others smell it, you smell it yourself.

“I’m taking a shower, come here!” Qiu Cun said angrily.

“Okay! I’ll be right here.” Jin Meitian took it and walked straight to my backyard.

Not long after she left, the child Shen Weiyi followed him unknowingly.

Along with her were Galia and Rayna.

“Aunt Rayna, Aunt Galia, are you sure that this will save my mother?” Shen Weiyi raised his head and asked softly.

Rayna looked at Galia: “…”

She’s a girl who can’t make decisions.

If you let her be a little stupid and stupid, let her be a little b!tch and be so-so.

Let her come up with ideas, such a thing, Rayna can’t do it.

All she can do is listen to Galia.

Galia looked at Shen Weiyi with a very determined expression: “Only, this is the fastest way! Only in this way can we rescue your mother more quickly, understand!”

Shen Weiyi nodded calmly and calmly: “Understood!”

She looked at Rayna again: “Auntie Rayna…”

Rayna smiled immediately: “The only one! You, Aunt Rayna, I have no other skills. I still have the shrew thing. With your Auntie Rayna here, Auntie Rayna can definitely help you have a big fight. Vigorous, everyone in the city knows it!”

Shen Weiyi: “Really?”

Rayna: “Must!”

Shen Weiyi suddenly felt relieved: “Then I went to find my father?”

“Go!” Rayna said.

Shen Weiyi trotted all the way to the mourning hall where his father kept the spirit.

At this time, there was still only Dad in the mourning hall.

Although the Fu family has a big business, it is also small.

The reason for this man’s thinness is all on Arron.

Seven years ago, the death of several of my half-brothers and the death of my second uncle and third uncle were all related to Arron.

So that, at this moment, he is the only one guarding the spirit here, Arron.

Shen Weiyi walked in lightly and whispered, “Dad…”

Arron suddenly came to the spirit: “Baby.”

The man’s eyes instantly turned red.

He put Shen Weiyi in his arms and asked softly, “Tell my father, how are you living with Aunt Galia and the others these two days and one night?”

After taking Shen Weiyi over for more than a year, Arron never let her leave him alone.

But now, with such a thing happening at home, the six-year-old child has prematurely undertaken many things that she should not have undertaken.

Not only that, but the six-year-old daughter is also very obedient and sensible: “Dad, Aunt Shanshan took good care of me, I helped Aunt Shanshan take care of her newborn baby, and Aunt Galia and Aunt Rayna took care of me. I went to eat delicious food.

In the evening, the two of them took turns telling me stories, and I was not afraid at all. “

Hearing her daughter say this, Arron suddenly hugged her daughter tightly: “Baby, you are grown up and sensible.”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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