I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1942 – 1943

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Chapter 1942

“Bunny!” Arron, who was originally drunk, suddenly sat upright, his expression was so annoyed that his eyes were red with anger.

Jin Meitian, who was cautiously waiting beside her, shivered with fright.

Who did he call?

You open your mouth to scold the bunny?

Turning to think about it, he suddenly realized that Arron was scolding Shen Weiyi.

Is that kid still alive?

Didn’t get lost?

Jin Meitian’s heart suddenly twitched.

She just came here to tell Arron truthfully that she was trapped by Shen Weiyi, she has enough evidence to prove that she was really trapped by Shen Weiwei, and, even if she was trapped by Shen Weiwei, she would not follow Shen Weiwei. Calculate.

She spent the whole day and night looking for Shen Weiyi all over the world.

But, I can’t find it yet.

Jin Meitian also wanted to say that she seemed to have come to tell Arron for the first time, but Arron was always drunk.

No, his consciousness was just a little sober, Jin Meitian planned to be wronged again, and told Arron euphemistically, but Arron received a call from Shen Weiyi.

Damn little shit!

Still alive!

It’s been a day and a night, is she okay? Wasn’t kidnapped by the traffickers from the north, or taken away by wolves?


But no matter how hateful it is, Jin Meitian will listen with her ears sideways.

“Where did you go, bastard!”

“You’d better never come back for the rest of your life!”

“You have the ability! You have the ability to lose your mother and your unborn brother! You will die for me!”

Arron’s voice was hysterical.

It’s helpless, it’s angry, it’s out of control.

He smelled of alcohol in his satisfaction.

Jin Meitian was stunned.

Is this the Arron who loves his wife so much and his own daughter so much, who is all-powerful in Nancheng?

That Arron has always been calm and composed, and he has never been so out of breath.

But now, what happened to Arron?

Jin Meitian looked at Arron blankly, for a second, she didn’t even know Arron.

However, she never really knew Arron.

The all-powerful and calm Arron heard it from Elma and Qin Wenyu.

And now Arron was seen by Jin Meitian with his own eyes.

She was suddenly complacent.

She felt that she had spied on the unknown side of Arron.

“Mr. Fu, you… calm down, you… Mr. Fu.” Jin Meitian took Arron’s arm.

Arron threw Jin Meitian away, his tone was still irritated: “Where are you dead!”

On that end, the phone hangs up.

Arron: “…”

He suddenly threw the phone aside in a decadent manner.

“Mr. Fu…” Jin Meitian shouted cautiously.

Arron glanced at Jin Meitian: “You… Who are you!”

He said just now that she smelled bad, but now, he doesn’t even know her anymore.

Jin Meitian: “Mr. Fu, I’m… Mei… Mei Tian, ”‹”‹the youngest daughter of the Jin family in Kyoto, Jin Meitian, I just came back from abroad, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday afternoon, you asked me I……”

“Where’s my daughter!” Arron suddenly looked at Jin Meitian coldly.

Chapter 1943

That expression was clearly just coming back from the consciousness of drinking and drinking.

He remembered now that she took Shen Weiyi out before.

Jin Meitian stammered and said, “You… weren’t you talking to your daughter just now…”

“Yes! But where is she now? Where did you take my daughter! The Kim family? Is that the little princess? If my daughter can’t be found, I’ll tear you to pieces!”

“Okay!” Jin Meitian suddenly cried.

Crying tears flowed.

This is what Qin Wenyu personally taught her before she came here to take care of Arron: “Shaoqin doesn’t like women who are too submissive to her, that woman Suzi has never been submissive to Shaoqin! So you have to remember, you You have to refute him properly, rush at him, don’t be afraid that he will kill you or something.”

Hearing Qin Wenyu say this, Jin Meitian smacked her lips: “I… heard that he killed people like numb, I’m afraid…”

“I’m afraid of what he will do!” Qin Wenyu scolded Jin Meitian.

“He kills like hemp! But can he take care of it now? In the old man’s mourning hall, his wife and daughter have disappeared, so he can still take care of murder?”

Jin Meitian nodded: “Also…”

“So, at this time, you have to take advantage of people’s danger and when he is extremely weak, while refuting him, while comforting him, you must know how to use a woman’s tears when it is time to cry.”

“It’s not for you to cry tenderly, so he looks upset!”

“It’s the cry that makes you feel extremely wronged! Shen Weiyi has made you so wrong, you are naturally wronged, what kind of situation you are, just cry to Arron!” Qin Wenyu almost taught Jin Meitian by hand.

Jin Meitian was not a fool after she said so in detail, she immediately understood what Qin Wenyu meant.

It is to capture this man in a hard-to-find way.

Jin Meitian remembered it.

Therefore, at this moment, she cried and rebutted Arron emotionally.

She is not really hypocritical, but really aggrieved.

“I know, although I am the youngest daughter of the Jin family in Jingjing, I am nothing in Nancheng, I am not even a piece of shit in front of your daughter! Arron, you asked me to take your daughter out to play!

I’m not familiar with Nancheng at all!

I’m driving and your daughter shows me where I want to go!

But how did I know that a six-year-old girl could lead me into a stinky ditch!

She scare me with a human skin mask on her head!


I was so frightened by her that she even drove the car into the stinky ditch, and I was covered in excrement and urine! When I was rescued, my whole body stinks, and I can stink ten miles against the wind!

When I got to the hospital, the doctors were unwilling to rescue me!

Woohoo, I… After I was rescued from the hospital, I went to find your daughter as soon as possible, but I didn’t find it…”

Arron was stunned.

The wine also woke up a little: “You…really?”

“Woooooo…” Jin Meitian cried even more sadly.

“I called the police. The police all over the city are looking for your daughter again. I will come to you as soon as I come back, but you and I were so drunk that I told Mr. Fu and Aunt Qin Wenyu.”

“I have done everything I can, if you still think that I lost your daughter, you can kill me!

I can’t resist you anyway! “

Speaking clearly, Jin Meitian turned her heart away and closed her eyes. Waiting for Arron to punish her.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement, but I heard Arron laugh wildly: “Haha! Hahaha!”

Jin Meitian suddenly opened his eyes: “Mr. Fu, you…”

“My daughter will come back.” Arron said.

Jin Meitian sneered in her heart: This time, I’m afraid she won’t be able to come back.

She just said this in her heart, but said in a perfunctory way: “I hope, I hope the only little princess of the Fu family can… come back, otherwise I won’t be able to explain to you… “

However, Arron heard another sentence: “It’s better if you don’t come back!”

Jin Meitian: “What did you say?”

Arron didn’t answer Jin Meitian’s question, but looked at Jin Meitian coldly and asked, “Don’t you want to take my wife’s place?”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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