I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1898 – 1899

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Chapter 1898

She looked at the family of three, what a happy, integrated family of three.

They are family.

And Shen Xue is really a little beggar.

She turned around and left silently.

When Shen Zishan turned around and wanted to tell Shen Xue to let her go home, she could no longer see Shen Xue.

The eight-year-old doesn’t know how to get back to his own home.

After walking for a long time, she found a phone booth, and she talked to the uncle in the booth, and finally asked him to make a call. She didn’t dare to reveal the thousand yuan in her pocket, she was afraid of being robbed.

That thousand dollars is the life of the whole family.

The call was made to the canteen downstairs where she and her mother and brother lived. The call was connected, and Shen Xue immediately said, “Uncle Wang, please call my brother for me.”

My brother came down to answer the phone soon.

As soon as she heard that Shen Xue couldn’t find her way home, her brother quickly came to pick her up by bus.

Shen Xue didn’t tell her brother how uncomfortable she was when she saw her father bring his wife and daughter a happy family of three. She only gave her brother the thousand dollars she asked for from her father.

Because of the extra 1,000 yuan, the family of three lived happily that month.

Ying Ming is a good housekeeper. After he took 1,000 yuan, he split 200 yuan and took his mother to the hospital for a check-up. Take the medicine, and then buy another 200 yuan of medicine.

The remaining 600 yuan is enough for a family.

My mother’s health gradually improved, so she started to mend trousers, change clothes, change cuffs and so on in the small iron house downstairs.

With her mother’s steady income of dozens of dollars a day, and her good spirits, she can also cook three meals a day for the two children, and from time to time she can take Shen Xue to take a shower and cut her hair.

Gradually, Shen Xue became clean.

The little girl became more and more slender.

Moreover, my brother never mentioned dropping out of school.

Seeing that the small life of a family of three is getting more and more stable, the old community where they are located is about to be demolished.

Originally it was a rented house, so it didn’t matter, but Shen Xue’s mother’s sewing booth at the gate of the community was illegal. If it was demolished, not only would the cabin not lose money, but Shen Xue’s mother’s sewing booth would no longer work.

Mom is going to be unemployed again.

The mother is unemployed, and the family of three lives in wireless poverty again.

Both Shen Xue and Ying Ming discovered that their mother can’t be idle, let alone unemployed. Once her mother is idle or has a career, her mother’s illness will be serious.

Shen Xue didn’t know that the reason why her mother became seriously ill as soon as she lost her job was because she was worried that her two children would be missing.

But Ying Ming knew.

That year, in order to support a family, Ying Ming dropped out of high school.

Although Ying Ming’s grades were good, he didn’t go any further.

Eighteen-year-old Ying Ming found a job as a waiter in a high-end western restaurant. Although it was a high-end restaurant, the salary of an ordinary waiter was not high, not to mention that his sister was going to school and his mother was still ill.

Therefore, Ying Ming was reluctant to eat out at noon, and brought meals from home to the restaurant every day.

On Shen Xue’s Sundays, girls under ten would help their brother make lunch at home, and deliver it to his brother at ten minutes at noon, so that his brother wouldn’t have to eat the meal he cooked last night.

Once, it was the weekend again, Shen Xue made a simple lunch and sent it to my brother. When my brother was busy, Shen Xue sat in an inconspicuous part of the western restaurant and waited for my brother to take a lunch break.

The pianist in the western restaurant happened to play a nice tune.

Shen Xue was fascinated.

Until the piano piece was finished, Shen Xue was still immersed in the music.

“Hey, little friend.” The pianist who finished the song came to Shen Xue, startling Shen Xue.

Chapter 1899

“You… hello, I… I brought food to my brother, am I disturbing you…?” The little girl under ten years old was frightened dare not look up.

She has never been in such a high-end place because of consumption.

Very anxious.

The pianist smiled gently: “You like that piece just now?”

Shen Xue nodded: “Yes.”

“How do you feel after listening to it?” the pianist asked again.

Shen Xue was not afraid of the pianist anymore, she felt that the pianist was very gentle, she raised her head, and bravely expressed her feelings: “Well, it feels like spring water gently slips past, very… Very moisturizing.”

Children under the age of ten can think of very few adjectives.

However, she described it well.

Because what the pianist just played was Bandari’s “Snow Dream”.

This song really gives people such a relaxed and soothing feeling.

It was really like a clear spring gently flowing past him.

The pianist bent down slightly and accidentally saw the little girl’s hand: “Little pot friend, your fingers are slender and straight, and slender fingers like yours are really rare.”

Hearing someone compliment Shen Xue’s fingers, Shen Xue immediately laughed: “Many of my classmates are envious of how good-looking my hands are.”

“Well.” The pianist nodded: “Do you know what fingers like yours are suitable for?”

Shen Xue shook her head: “I don’t know.”

“Playing the piano, um, and…” said the pianist.

Shen Xue’s face darkened immediately: “If you are talking about the piano, our family will definitely not be able to learn it.”

She has always wanted to learn a talent or something, but the extra tuition has always been expensive and she can’t afford it.

After a pause, Shen Xue looked at the pianist again with enthusiasm in her eyes: “Uncle, what else is my hand suitable for besides playing the piano?”

The pianist immediately withdrew his smile: “I can’t tell you this.”

“Why?” Shen Xue asked disappointedly.

“Because, it’s a bad thing,” said the pianist.

“Bad things?” Shen Xue asked inexplicably, and then just became curious: “Uncle, tell me, I will never do bad things, if you tell me, I will know what it is, and I will never do it again. Do something bad, don’t worry.”

She swore to the pianist.

The pianist sighed and said to Shen Xue: “Little friend, you know… everything in this world has its two sides, your hands are a rare beauty, a rare one. Length, these hands, if used well, can play the most beautiful notes in the world. Besides, you still have such a feeling for music.

If you don’t play the piano, it’s kind of… a pity. “

“Besides…” The pianist paused for a while, and then said gloomily: “These hands can not only play the piano, but if they are pickpockets, they will be easier than ordinary people.”

In fact, the pianist was also a little pickpocket in his youth.

He just said it unintentionally, or maybe he wanted to tell a child that since he can create wonderful things with his hands, he should not do bad things, that’s all.

However, his words seemed to inspire Shen Xue.

Shen Xue thoughtfully asked the pianist, “Uncle, are you talking about a thief?”

The pianist nodded and then said: “Little friend, if you don’t have money to learn the piano, you can come to me and I will teach you for free.”

Shen Xue smiled and said, “Thank you, uncle.”

Just in time, my brother’s morning shift was over, my brother Ying Ming came to Shen Xue, and the brothers and sisters immediately grabbed lunch and sat on the flower bed outside the western restaurant to eat.

“Brother, I have a way to get the money.” Shen Xue said.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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