I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1874 – 1875

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Chapter 1874

No matter how the two women cursed Shen Weiyi, they didn’t know where Shen Weiyi was.

When she thought of not being able to find Shen Weiyi, Jin Meitian’s heart had another kind of great apprehension.

After all, Shen Wei was brought out by her.

If Shen Weiwei was lost, how would she explain to Arron?

Jin Meitian looked at Elma uncomfortably: “Cunxin, what should I do? I lost Shen Weiyi. After returning to Fu’s house, Arron will definitely strip me alive.”

In Nancheng, Elma’s foothold is Fu’s house, and Jin Meitian’s foothold is Fu’s house.

Elma is more wild than Jin Meitian, she sneered: “What should I do? Cold salad! You were almost killed by being deceived by the only one who was deceived. You went to the hospital and then to the hotel in a stinky suit. Monitored, this is clearly Shen’s only prank!”

“I heard my godmother get angry a long time ago=Shen Weiyi, saying that she is only a four- or five-year-old child, but she is a mean-spirited child, as cheap as she is, just like her mother! She used to play tricks on other women when she was in Fu’s house!”

“Once again, Shen Weiyi tricked my godmother’s niece, and her hair was almost bald!”

Hearing Elma say this, Jin Meitian suddenly said viciously: “Damn! It’s just six years old to be so bad, it’s a human devil!”

Elma sneered: “So Mei Tian, ”‹”‹you don’t need to worry, because everyone knows that little girl is extremely uneducated. She made you and me like this, and she scared away herself. It’s normal, who knows her Where did you go, you’d better die outside!”

Jin Meitian nodded: “Yeah! That’s right!”

Elma sighed again: “Maybe, now Shen Weiyi has returned to the old house, that little dead thing, with a ghostly brain, she can do anything!

Last time, she was obviously held hostage by Pan Haoyang, couldn’t she get rid of Pan Haoyang and go home alone?

This time, I’m afraid she will do it again. “

When Elma said this, Jin Meitian also became worried: “If Shen Weiyi goes home, what should we do?”

Elma sneered: “That’s right! We’ll sue me one by one in front of me!”

Jin Meitian immediately smiled: “Yes.”

“Let’s go, let’s go back to Fu’s house!” Qiu Cun seemed to have taken the lead, and she wanted to go back and tell Qin Wenyu about the matter in a hurry.

When the two returned to Fu Zhaitian, it was already dark.

However, the Fu family’s old house was brightly lit, and people who heard the news came to offer condolences to Mr. Fu Hengsheng from time to time.

As soon as Jin Meitian and Elma entered the door, the guard of the old house pinched his nose involuntarily: “Wow, why is it so stinky?”

Jin Meitian and Elma: “…”

Even after washing it several times and spraying on perfume, it still smells so bad?

The two women really wanted to hit each other to death here.

However, the hatred for Shen Weiyi in my heart was even more.

They excitedly came all the way to the other courtyard where Qin Wenyu and Fu Zhengxiong were.

Seeing that the two women didn’t come back until it was dark, Qin Wenyu looked very unhappy: “You two are back! What did you do all day today! How is the thing I asked you to do!”

“You have to know that I am doing this for your own good! If the little bastard in Shen Wei is gone, Shaoqin will be sad for ten days and a half at most. In the future, Meitian, you can marry Shaoqin without any worries. “

“And your inch of heart! As long as Shen Weiyi is gone! Shaoqin will no longer be so obsessed with Suzi, as long as Shaoqin does not obsess about Suzi, it is unlikely that Suzi will come back.

As long as Suzi doesn’t come back, that woman Dalia will not be able to do anything. In this way, you can fight back again, and maybe you will have a chance to marry Jing Yu. “Qin Wenyu analyzed it in a very thoughtful tone for Qiu Cun.

Chapter 1875

In fact, Qin Wenyu was the one who wanted Shen Weiyi to die the most and Suzi back the most.

She is not for Elma, let alone Jin Meitian.

Qin Wenyu has his own selfishness.

She wants to avenge her several dead sons, and her ultimate goal is to make Arron also a lonely man, and to have a taste of what it’s like to lose relatives.

Qin Wenyu was going to use these two women to destroy Shen Wei!

Let Shen Weiyi never go back to Fu’s house and Arron’s side again!

Jin Meitian asked tentatively, “Aunt Qin, Shen Weiwei… Didn’t she come back?”

Qin Wenyu was immediately angry: “Where did Shen Weiwei go! I asked you two to deal with a six-year-old child, but neither of you can deal with what you are doing! What about Shen Weiyi?”

Jin Meitian’s heart was suddenly relieved.

She immediately smiled: “Aunt Qin, listen to me…”

Qin Wenyu looked at Jin Meitian with a cold expression: “Speak!”

Jin Meitian smiled immediately: “I’m afraid, that sly little fox will never come back in this life.”

Qin Wenyu’s face immediately showed surprise: “You…

say what? “

“She took me to a very remote place, where there are few people and it’s not close to Kraig’s villa, I promise she won’t come back!” Jin Meitian sneered.

After a pause, she added: “Many people can testify to me that I was tortured by that little undead, and I almost died in the stinky ditch, so I was harmed by that little slut. As for her The disappearance of her was brought about by herself, wasn’t she?”

“I don’t believe it anymore. It’s so remote and there’s not even a pedestrian on the road. Can a six-year-old child find her home?”

“Maybe, it’s not impossible to be frightened just after walking a few steps, and being carried away by traffickers after walking a few steps!”

Jin Meitian’s remarks gave Qin Wenyu a reassurance.

Qin Wenyu immediately sneered and said, “Mei Tian is right! She is too vicious! With all her mind on harming you, you came back, but you didn’t come back… It’s impossible for her to come back after such a long distance. It’s gone!”

Thinking of Shen Weiyi’s disappearance, Qin Wenyu wanted to sing a song happily, her expression didn’t look like someone in the family who was at the funeral: “Even if you come back! I guess it’s also a corpse! Ha ha! “

“Shen Weiyi, you’d better be carried away by the wolf tonight, and there will be no bones left!” Qin Wenyu cursed viciously.

And at this moment, Shen Weiyi didn’t hear the curse of this unrelated grandma on her at all.

At this time, Shen Weiyi was chatting and laughing with Dalia, Rayna, and Galia in Dalia’s ward.

When the four of them were laughing and laughing because they had finished treating two women today, the child in the crib suddenly cried loudly.

Dalia immediately picked up the child and coaxed her in her arms.

Seeing Shanshan hugging her brother to coax, Shen Weiyi suddenly felt lonely, she said in a low voice, “I don’t know when my brother and sister will be back, I miss them.”

As soon as these words came out, several women were suddenly sad.

Rayna put Shen Weiwei in his arms: “It’s okay, the only one, Aunt Rayna assures you that your mother and younger siblings will definitely come back.”

Shen Wei held back the tears in her eyes, suddenly broke free from Rayna’s embrace and ran to the end of the corridor, crying loudly in the direction of the sea: “Mom…the only thing I miss you. Woohoo… .”

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