I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1856 – 1857

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Chapter 1856


This is really what Jin Meitian didn’t expect.

And still go to see Kraig’s wife and children?

If Elma was involved in this matter, wouldn’t it make Elma a big bargain?

Ha ha!

“Okay, okay little friend, but you have to show Auntie the way.” Jin Meitian said while driving.

“Well, the aunt I will show you the way, don’t worry.” Shen Weiyi said.

When it came to the next traffic light, Jin Meitian was excited again, and hurriedly sent Elma a WeChat message.

“Cun Xin, do you know where Shen Weiyi is going?”

Elma was driving, and she replied impatiently, “I’ll follow you soon, don’t disturb me!”

Jin Meitian doesn’t care.

She sent another WeChat message to Elma: “I’m telling you, Shen Wei is going to the hospital, and the one living in the hospital is Kraig’s wife, the woman you hate so much, what’s her name? ?”

What is the name of Kraig’s wife, Jin Meitian really doesn’t know.

However, Qiu Cun’s heart was thoroughly familiar: “You mean, Shen Weiyi wants to see Dalia!?”


“Let me tell you, I saw Kraig coming to Fu’s house when Shen Wei and I were going out just now.”

“Kraig is in Fu’s house now, which means that Kraig is not by Dalia’s side…”

At the other end, Elma, who was parked on the side of the road and focused on sending WeChat messages, trembled in his hands.


It turned out that she was rushing to the hospital where Dalia was hospitalized.

Ha ha!

God bless her!

Elma suddenly thought of what Pan Haoyang had said to Elma when Pan Haoyang peeped at Shen Xiangshen in Nancheng: “It’s nothing if you can’t give birth, now Dalia has just given birth, you just need to kill Dalia. Now, take the child as your own, and you and Kraig will still be a family of three in the future.”


Destroy Dalia.

On the other end, Jin Meitian’s WeChat message sent again: “Cun Xin, do I want to drive slower, you follow me, I don’t know how to get to the hospital, I thought Shen Weiwei could explain it clearly, but she I can’t tell.”

“It seems that her so-called memorizing the way only remembers how to get back to her kindergarten and how to get home from kindergarten. She doesn’t know the rest, and it’s all up to me to navigate.”

It didn’t take long for Elma to reply: “Don’t worry, you follow me, I know the way!”

During that time, when Pan Haoyang used a high-powered lens to peep at Suzi and the only one, Elma often went to see Pan Haoyang. Not only did she know which hospital it was, she even knew which ward Dalia was in.

“Okay! I wish you a full harvest in advance!” Jin Meitian said.

After sending WeChat, Jin Meitian stopped and walked.

After a while, she saw Elma’s car driving ahead, and Jin Meitian followed Elma’s car all the way.

He also kept comforting Shen Weiyi: “Only, Auntie doesn’t know the way very much, so she’s a little full, don’t mind.”

Shen Weiyi smiled coldly in his heart.

Since Jin Meitian texted Elma for the first time, she knew it.

Although she didn’t know what they sent, she could guess the general meaning.

That’s the plan she and Dad made.

Shen Weiwei knew that in the Fu family or even in the real Nancheng, Jin Meitian actually only had Elma as a friend. To put it bluntly, the reason why Jin Meitian came to Nancheng at this time and appeared in Fu’s house was because of Elma’s instigation to her.

Therefore, Shen Weiwei knows that whenever Jin Meitian sends WeChat, it must be sent to Elma.

Chapter 1857

She wanted to tell Elma complacently that the little fool Shen Wei was in her car.

Ha ha!

Everything was within Shen Wei’s expectations.

At this moment, the little girl is still pretending to be ignorant of the world, very childlike.

She nodded and said in a very good voice: “It’s okay auntie, I know you have always lived abroad. You are not familiar with Nancheng. It is normal for you to drive slowly.”

After speaking, she smiled at Jin Meitian.

Jin Meitian continued to drive.

An hour later, she followed Elma and finally arrived outside the hospital.

Elma stopped the car and sent Jin Meitian a WeChat message.

“The hospital is here, and the rest of Shen Wei will definitely be able to lead you to the ward. She has been here a lot recently, and she is familiar with it. Mei Tian, ”‹”‹you go to the ward to check and make sure that there are only nurses and Dalia in the ward who killed a thousand knives. Send me a WeChat.”

Jin Meitian immediately replied: “Okay!”

Then he replied again: “I wish you success! All your wishes come true! Kraig is in the Fu family’s old house. I hope you can climb into Kraig’s bed tonight! We all have to work hard!”

Even though they were both making small calculations in their hearts, on the surface, Jin Meitian still wanted to talk nicely with Elma.

Jin Meitian is very useful.

She had been sitting in the car waiting for the news of Jin Meitian, but she didn’t realize that not far from her car was Christopher’s car that had just stopped.

He stopped the car and made a phone call: “yes. Elma is here too. She arrived earlier than the only one, but she didn’t get out of the car.”

“If my calculations are good, Elma should have asked the woman named Jin Meitian to inquire about the situation first.”

“Yes, you have to be careful.”

After hanging up the phone, Christopher watched the changes in the car.

At the other end, Shen Weiyi had already led Jin Meitian towards Dalia’s ward step by step.

Before entering the ward, Jin Meitian and Shen Weiyi heard humming singing and the cry of a baby in the ward.

“Ouch, little baby, don’t cry or make trouble, you are mother’s good baby.” Dalia sang.

After singing, she sighed again: “Oh, my little ancestor, the more your father is away these two days, the more you cry, the more your mother’s body has not recovered, she can’t even hold you. Move, what do you say?”

“Baby, how about we hire a nurse?”

“But, it’s not easy to hire nurses these two days. Mom has already told the medical staff here that the earliest nurses will not arrive until three days later. How will our mother and son live these three days?”

“Oh, my baby, don’t you cry, okay?” Dalia’s voice was extremely patient and helpless.

Shen Weiyi, who was standing outside, did not dare to enter the door for a long time.

She was afraid of disturbing her younger brother and her aunt’s appearance, so she kept her hands soft from time to time.

In this way, it created opportunities for Jin Meitian.

Jin Meitian was right outside the door of Dalia’s ward, and quickly sent a WeChat message to Elma.

“Cunxin! Let me tell you, I overheard outside the door, there was no one around that woman, and she was still holding a child, as if she was not in good health, and couldn’t even hold a child, it’s a good time for you what!”

At the other end, Qiu Cun came to open the door with a heartbreak.

Only then did I realize that I was a little anxious.

She quickly replied with her mobile phone: “It’s great! It’s great! I’m waiting for you to come out and wait for Shen Weiyi to leave me to clean up that girl!”


After replying, Jin Meitian said to Shen Weiyi softly, “Yiyi, come in and see your Auntie Dalia.”

Shen Weiyi walked in gently, and she shouted softly, “Aunt Shanshan…”

Dalia turned back suddenly, and when she saw Shen Weiyi, she was extremely surprised: “Only you are here!”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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