I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1830 – 1831

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Chapter 1830

Suzi was simply incredible.

She looked at Ying Ming and sneered very lightly: “You fucking crazy! You are an idiot! I am eight months pregnant, you want to marry me? Like Pan Haoyang, you like to be cuckolded. Son, do you like to pick up a cheap daddy?”

Suzi was really angry.

Her original purpose was only to die quickly, and then to be able to solve a great enemy for her husband, she felt that she really made a profit.

But he never thought that this robber and thief named Ying Ming, like Pan Haoyang, wanted to marry her.

Is she, Suzi, unlucky enough?

Not too much to marry her.

It’s the robber who wants to marry her!

What the hell did she do!

Ying Ming said very seriously: “Suzi, I’m not crazy.”

“I was serious.”

“Do you think I don’t know you? I’m going to marry you the first time I see you. I must be crazy?”

“But no.” Ying Ming smiled sadly.

Suzi: “…”

I am paralyzing you!

There was never this moment when Suzi wanted to scold foul language.

She looked at Ying Ming in disbelief.

Ying Ming said: “Your husband is my number one enemy. If I want to deal with him, I will definitely spend money to collect all kinds of information, so I am not in the country, and I still know your husband very well.”

“And you.” Ying Ming took the knife on his chest.

The blood gurgled out from the handle of the knife, making it extremely shocking to see.

But he did not frown or draw his knife.

Just like that, holding the knife on his chest with one hand and Suzi with the other, it made Suzi extremely speechless.

She suddenly had an idea in her heart that this thief was actually a tough guy.

Ying Ming continued: “I also know you a little bit, I know that you used to save a noble boy named Joan in Nancheng, you were also pregnant at the time, and you actually used your arm to block Sanford twice. Knife.”

“Therefore, Sanford’s life was saved.”

“And you, because you were pregnant at the time, you couldn’t get anesthesia, so the surgery was performed without anesthesia.”

“You know, don’t say you’re a pregnant woman, even if I’m a big man, it’s hard to do this.”

“And later.”

Ying Ming sighed: “You take care of the other son’s brother Sanford, you treat him as a brother, a lifelong brother, in order to buy him a wheelchair, a woman’s family, standing in the muddy water on the construction site ten hours.”

“Such a woman who values ”‹”‹love and righteousness is rarely found in the world.”

“Even if I’m a thief, I, Ying Ming, hope that I can have such a woman by my side in my life. It’s worth dying for me!”

Ying Ming played with women a lot in his life.

From the time he was in Kyoto, although his status was low and he often robbed and robbed, he was tall, tall and mighty. His arrogance and arrogance had conquered many women.

After being chased by Arron and fleeing for a few years, he was also of no use to foreign girls.

Figure it out.

Dozens are not in the minority.

However, Suzi was the only one who really impressed her.

When she wants to be charming, don’t look at her pregnant belly, but her charmingness can make him feel relaxed.

When she was about to decide, she caught him off guard more than any other woman.

In the end, she was pregnant and was frightened, so her strength was too low, and he was tall and mighty, so she stabbed him together without hurting his organs.

He didn’t feel any pain.

I just feel that it is an honor for me.

Suzi was angry, and the photo paper wanted to raise his hand and scratch the face of the robber.

At this time, a woman suddenly ran over to the man.

The woman was walking a little on tiptoe, and the shorter leg couldn’t bend a little, but she ran very fast and came to Ying Ming: “You… what’s the matter with you?”

Ying Ming smiled gently at the woman: “I’m fine.”

“Brother!” the woman shouted.

Chapter 1831

After shouting, she turned around and glared at Suzi: “You are killing my brother with a knife?”

Suzi: “…”

“Woman, you are courting death!” The Pojiao woman raised her hand and was about to beat Suzi violently. Her hand was very fast, and her fist attacked with a sturdy wind.

“Be careful, Suzi, this is a witch!” Pan Haoyang, who was curled up on the ground, shouted.

However, before the woman’s fist hit Suzi’s face, Ying Ming grabbed her: “Yingzi! Don’t be rude to your sister-in-law like this.”

sister in law?

The girl called Yingzi looked at Suzi.

Suzi gritted his teeth: “Ying Ming, you killed me! Kill me! You devil!”

She punched and kicked.

But Ying Ming grabbed her feet: “Suzi, don’t make trouble, you are not suitable for such a large movement now, it will hurt your child.”

“This child, Arron, has never been seen before. He is mine! Whether it’s a boy or a girl, I will treat it as my own.”

“I’ll take care of your ancestors!”

Ying Ming: “My ancestors are all dead, and there is only one widowed mother. When I was a child, she took me to wash and cook with a powerful man in Kyoto…”

“Later, my widowed mother also died.” Ying Ming said bleakly.

“Brother, stop talking!” Yingzi said while holding Ying Ming’s arm: “Come in quickly and let the doctor inside wrap it up.”

Ying Ming said to the person next to him, “Be optimistic about Madam.”

The four said immediately, “Yes, Lord Ying!”

Ying Ming looked at Pan Haoyang who was curled up on the ground again: “Bring him in too, I want to heal his gunshot wound, and I want Pan Haoyang to watch me marry Suzi!”

“Yes, Lord Ying!”

Suzi: “…”

She watched as Pan Haoyang was carried in.

Seeing that Ying Ming also went in, she was left alone on this deck.

A total of four people surrounded her.

Don’t say she’s pregnant.

Even if she wasn’t pregnant, she couldn’t run away.

A burst of despair rose in my heart.

What is she going to do?

What is she going to do?

At this time, Suzi’s cell phone rang again.

She originally hid her phone under her body, but she pressed the mute button on the phone. When she confronted Ying Ming just now, the phone kept ringing again, and she didn’t connect.

At this time, Suzi immediately took it out and connected it.

She only glanced at the mobile phone number and said eagerly: “Shaoqin, listen to me, Shaoqin, this man named Yingming came prepared.”

“He knows everything about us, you must be careful, you must be careful, don’t take it lightly.”


On that end, no one spoke.

Suzi was stunned for a long time: “Shaoqin, is that you? Shaoqin?”

“Shaoqin, why don’t you speak? Shaoqin?” Suzi was a little anxious.

She shouted again: “the only, is it you the only, is the father not around? Where is the father? the only, are you crying? Mom has heard your sobbing, baby, listen to mom, mom is not by your side You have to be a big girl.”

“You will not only take good care of your father in the future, you…”

“Yi, you help your mother take care of your grandma, you know? Your grandma’s life has been too hard, the only, you can’t cry, you must be brave.”

“The only one!” At the end, Suzi ordered.

There was a sudden cry on the other end of the phone.

That voice was not a child’s voice.

The voice was not necessarily bleak and hoarse.

The voice shouted sternly: “Xiangxiang, my daughter…”

Suzi suddenly burst into tears: “Mom, you…why are you here?”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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