I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1816 – 1817

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Chapter 1816

Pan Haoyang turned around, where is Shen Weiyi’s figure?

He was completely stunned at the moment.

The marshmallows in his hands fell to the ground.

“Sir, sir? You haven’t given the money yet,” cried the Marshmallow proprietress.

“Get out!” Pan Haoyang raised his foot and kicked the Boss’s body fiercely. The Boss’s wife was kicked and flew far, far away. When she fell to the ground, she vomited blood.

She was stunned to see this well-dressed and even handsome and educated man in front of her.

Unbelievable that he turned out to be a devil.

The proprietress has only seen a movie and television drama involving blackness a long time ago, and there is a line in it: “Is this melon cooked?”

Just one sentence, the melon buyer asks the melon seller if this melon treasure is ripe enough, is it enough?

Sellers of melons flick their noses and eyes to fool buyers of melons.

As a result, the melon buyers put the white knives into the red knives of the melon sellers.

That shot is more or less inauthentic.

But she’s a cotton candy seller, she doesn’t cheat people, she’s a small business, an honest person, why can she suffer such a misfortune in vain?

The marshmallow seller was suffocated and scared.

I was thinking of a way to call the police, but I saw the young man who bought the cotton candy panicked, and his tone changed: “The only, the only, where have you been baby, don’t scare the fourth uncle, come out quickly!”

“You don’t want to go with the fourth uncle, do you?”

“Then tell the fourth uncle the truth!”

“Fourth uncle would rather not take you away, nor put you in danger, the only one…”

After speaking, the man’s voice was choked up.

Marshmallow seller: “…”

She didn’t call the police again.

She considered herself unlucky.

A man who has lost his child, who hasn’t lost his temper?

The man goes further and further.

More and more anxious.

But what about the child?

No one saw where the child had gone for a few minutes.

At this moment, Shen Weiyi was hiding behind a pigeon cage.

The row of pigeon cages stinks, but she can hold it back.

She bit her lip hard to keep herself from crying.

She knew that whenever she moved a little, she would definitely be found out by Pan Haoyang.

If Pan Haoyang finds out, she will never see her parents again.

Shen Weiyi should not be separated from his parents.

do not want!

Big big tears dripped from Shen Yi’s eyes.

She looked at the doves who symbolized peace, and the doves did not understand the situation of a six-year-old.

The six-year-old child’s round, big eyes flashed with boundless helplessness and fear.

Shen Weiwei kept telling himself: “The only one you have to be brave! You have to be as brave and strong as your mother, the only one you can’t be soft-hearted in the future, you want to be as cruel as your father!”

“Shen Weiyi was too soft-hearted this time, so he let grandpa deceive you.”

I will never trust my grandpa again!

Don’t believe it anymore!

woohoo woo…  

No one noticed that behind the pigeon cage in this small crack in the wall was a silent crying child.

Pan Haoyang could not be found.

Suzi and Arron didn’t even know.

Shen’s only child’s defensiveness is still extremely strong.

She knew that the streets might be full of people from the fourth uncle looking for her.

She also knew that even if the fourth uncle’s people stopped looking for her, she would not borrow the phone to call her parents on the way.

Because she doesn’t believe anyone.

By cheating on her grandpa this time, the six-year-old doesn’t trust anyone anymore.

Chapter 1817

Maybe after borrowing a phone call, parents can pick her up as soon as possible, but in this short time, the bad guy may inform the fourth uncle.

Shen Weiyi couldn’t take this risk.

The only thing she could do was just believe in herself.

She is a child who knows the way very well, she is very smart. The reason why she let the fourth uncle stop here to buy marshmallows is not because the marshmallows are delicious, but because she knows the road.

Because recently, Uncle Christopher often drove her to the hospital after picking her up from kindergarten.

This is the way from kindergarten to hospital. Along this road, with her memory, she was able to walk back to her own kindergarten.

Then, after leaving the kindergarten, she was able to walk back to her own home based on memory.

The six-year-old was going to walk back in the stupidest and safest way possible.

Along the way, she was afraid that someone would ask her, “Children, where are your parents?” She was afraid that others would ask her like this, so sometimes she would run a few times in a hurry and say, “Mom and Dad, wait for me. “

However, Shen Weiyi has come a long way, and she still hasn’t reached her own school.

She is tired.

Tired and sleepy.

Also very hungry.

When she saw a public toilet, Shen Weiyi hid in the toilet and didn’t dare to sleep for a long time. She forced herself to sleep for a while, then she slept for a while, and then continued to walk again after a break.

In this way, until half afternoon, she could not go to her kindergarten.

But Shen Weiwei knew that she was getting closer and closer to her kindergarten.

The hope in my heart is growing.

Shen Weiyi didn’t know that at this moment, if she could call her parents, they would not make the next decision.

How does a six-year-old child let her know the insidiousness between adults?

A deal between adults?

She had used all the wit of a knife that a six-year-old could wield.

The wise Shen Weiyi didn’t know that at this moment, father and mother were making their final farewell.

An hour ago, Suzi and Arron had called Pan Haoyang many times, but no matter how much they called Pan Haoyang, they would not answer.

Colleagues Suzi and Arron, who have always been extremely strong in their hearts, collapsed.

Until the last call, Pan Haoyang finally answered.

Before waiting for Pan Haoyang to say anything, Suzi couldn’t hold it any longer: “Pan Haoyang! Don’t… don’t torture me, I… what you say now is what you say! I… …. the only one? My only one is good, right? You let me listen to the only voice, I will listen to it.”

Pan Haoyang sneered: “Xiangxiang! I’ve let you listen to the only voice countless times! I’ve uploaded it now! It’s inconvenient, I’m just waiting for you!”

“I’m going! I’m going! I’m going!”

“Farewell to that scumbag?” Pan Haoyang asked again.

Suzi nodded: “Farewell.”

“The scumbag doesn’t deserve you at all! You don’t need to be sad! You and the scumbag have only been together for less than two years, and you were separated for six years. You can live well without being the same? Suzi, you Don’t worry, you follow me, I will not let you suffer any grievances, I will make you mother and daughter happy, and the child in your belly, trust me Suzi.”

Pan Haoyang on the other end of the phone was extremely sad.

Very sad.

He couldn’t find the only one.

How much did he think, how much thought, how much thought to take away the only one?

But he couldn’t find the only one.

He couldn’t find it any more.

He was afraid that it would be too late.

Even Pan Haoyang was ready to break the net with Arron. As a result, a few hours later, Arron did not attack him.

That can only illustrate one problem.

The only thing is to escape.

But the only one didn’t call his parents, Suzi and Arron didn’t know that the only one had run away.

Pan Haoyang made a final decision on the spot: take Suzi away.

And the only one, can only reluctantly keep her by Arron’s side.

The only run made Pan Haoyang grit his teeth angrily, but he didn’t hate Shen Weiyi.

He hates Arron.

He just wants to make Arron suffer for a lifetime!


“I believe in you, I believe in you, I’ll go right away! I’ll go now!” Suzi said in a continuous voice.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you!” Pan Haoyang hung up the phone.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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