I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1744 – 1745

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Chapter 1744

Shang Hongmei still didn’t let go of her daughter, she held her daughter’s arms with both hands, and looked at Tiantian expectantly.

The sweet eyebrows and eyes are exactly like when she was sixteen or seventeen years old.

But she is much prettier than Shang Hongmei, who is sixteen or seventeen years old.

Sweet is a carefree, foreign-style dress, like a little princess.

Shang Hongmei had indescribable excitement in her heart, she choked and said incoherently: “Tiantian, I’m mother, don’t you know me sweetly, these beautiful clothes you wear are all made by your mother to make money for you. I bought it.”


Chu Tiantian suddenly pushed Shang Hongmei away fiercely: “You dead woman, why don’t you die! Why are you so embarrassed, you have such a thick skin? You bought the clothes I wear for me?”

“A woman like you only cares about eating, drinking and having fun!”

“I only care about myself fooling around to find a man!”

“A woman you don’t even know your father! How dare you say that you are my mother! How dare you say that you bought my clothes?”

“From childhood to adulthood! My father took care of me alone! My father made pigtails for me, my father sent me to school, and my father held parent-teacher conferences for me! My father took care of me during the day and picked me up from school, and at night I took care of me. I go to work after school!”

“go to hell!”

“My mother is dead! Dead!”

“You damn woman, I want to stab you to death!”

Shang Hongmei: “…”

The daughter gritted her teeth angrily.

The daughter’s hatred of her is like killing her father’s enemy.

Shang Hongmei was heartbroken for a long time and couldn’t speak. She looked back at Chu Hongfa, who made a pitiful expression.

Even some of the parents who picked up and dropped off their children pointed at Shang Hongmei.

“There is actually such a mother in the world!”

“This woman doesn’t deserve to live!”

“Crash to death now!”

At this time, Chu Hongfa also came to Shang Hongmei with tears on his face: “Let’s go! Since you haven’t taken care of your daughter for so many years, what are you doing with her now?”

“Is it looking at my daughter’s good grades in the exam? Is she a university student?”

“So you came to her? Let her retire for you after graduating from college? What are you doing alive for a woman like you!”

Shang Hongmei: “…”

She did not expect Chu Hongfa to say such a thing.

She was speechless for a long time.

Some people beside her are driving her away: “Get out!”

“You can’t be considered a person!”

“Old Chu, tell your daughter, you can’t give old age to such a woman!”

“I see that she is still very young, let her support herself!”


In broad daylight, Shang Hongmei, driven by a group of people, walked away step by step with heavy steps.

When she looked back, she could still see that Chu Hongfa was pitifully thanking the parents of some of her daughter’s classmates.

“Thank you, thank you, my old Chu things have been embarrassed in front of you.”

“This woman, she didn’t study well when she was young, and I caught her in bed with… and other men. Later, she didn’t want to repent and went abroad with that man for so many years. This is not just When I come back, I have to recognize my daughter, how can you say that my daughter can accept it?”

“Yes, yes, old Chu, your daughter is being pulled by you as both a father and a mother. It’s not easy for you, but you must not let her recognize her!”

“Hey, Lao Chu is also an honest person. She was too young to find a daughter-in-law back then, and she didn’t care about Lao Chu.”

“I can’t find a young daughter-in-law in the future. If I don’t live with you, I will just run away.”


You speak to these people.

Chapter 1745

Every sentence is stuck in Shang Hongmei’s heart.

This afternoon, Shang Hongmei went back to the village where he and Chu Hongfa lived alone, but the villagers told Shang Hongmei that Chu Hongfa no longer lived here.

He bought a house at the junction of Nancheng and suburbs.

There is also a supermarket there, and it has been very good for the past few years.

Shang Hongmei hid in their original poor home alone, holding some of her daughter’s small clothes left behind, crying and weeping.

What did she do wrong that God wants to punish her like this?

Lost mother since childhood.

She lived a very poor life with her father. When she grew up, her father married a stepmother and began to abuse her again.

It was not easy to be rescued, but this person has harmed her for the rest of her life.

To this day, her reputation is discredited, and she is accused of being a slut, breaking shoes, and not raising her daughter.

The daughter still doesn’t recognize her.

At this moment, Shang Hongmei had the heart to kill.

At this time, Chu Hong sent it.

“I knew you would be hiding here, Shang Hongmei, you brought it all on your own!” Chu Hong, dressed in a smart casual outfit, suddenly appeared in front of Shang Hongmei.

“What did I do wrong? I gave birth to my daughter, and I earned the family property through hard work. Chu Hongfa, what did I do wrong!” Shang Hongmei looked at Chu Hongfa with tears in her eyes.

Chu Hongfa sneered: “Shang Hongmei! You were wrong to flirt with those men behind my back!”

“You’re wrong that one man after another likes you!”

“You went out to stock up in the middle of the night! You were carrying such a big bag when you climbed the train. If those men didn’t help you, would you be able to climb up?”

“You’re having an affair with that damn little white face behind my back!”

“Look at that hotness on your bed!”

“Shang Hongmei, look at your coquettishness! You are born to sell!”

“You’re cheaper than selling!”

“People sell to make money, how about you?!”

“Not only did you open your legs and take the initiative to meet them! You also posted backwards!”

“Do you think your man is dead!”

Shang Hongmei cried and gritted her teeth: “Chu Hongfa, are you my man? We are not married! You are not my husband!”

“So!” Chu Hong sneered viciously: “My daughter is mine, not yours!”

Shang Hongmei: “I want to sue you!”

“A lawsuit? Okay! I’ll put the picture on the judge and see who the judge is looking at!”

“You let it go! You let it go!” Shang Hongmei had already given up.

She just wants to get custody of her daughter now!

She wants to live with her daughter and never be separated again!

Even if the photo of her sleeping with someone else is taken out, even if it is put to the judge!

“A dead woman is so thick-skinned? A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water! Aren’t you afraid that I will spread pictures of you on the bed and pictures of you without clothes all over the street?”

“Don’t be afraid!” Shang Hongmei said with tears of love.

“Don’t you think about your daughter’s feelings?” Chu Hong asked rhetorically.

“Don’t think about it, she is about to go to college. After four years of college, she can find a job in a big company in Nancheng, and then find a decent boyfriend, and then get married and have children. Buy a house in the downtown area of ”‹”‹Nancheng, and then have a baby. Two or three children, live happily ever after. You don’t want her like this?”

“Oh! I know! It’s not your daughter, it’s my daughter!”

“So, you wish that when my daughter is about to go to college, she finds that her mother’s clothes are all over the street, and then you wish that my daughter fails to go to college, and that she is mad because of this matter, and her future will be ruined from now on! “

Shang Hongmei couldn’t hear what Chu Hongfa said the most.

She hugged Chu Hongfa’s leg: “Please stop talking! Daughter… I don’t recognize my daughter! Please don’t destroy her!”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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