I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1742 – 1743

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Chapter 1742

Shang Hongmei looked at Chu Hongfa in horror: “Hongfa, you…you let me go abroad to make money? Not coming back for a few years?”

“Nonsense!” Chu Hong sneered: “If I come back once a month, will I be able to make money?”

“But… what about my daughter?”

“Isn’t your daughter my daughter? Shang Hongmei, you are a woman who doesn’t even take care of her own daughter, but will sleep with Xiaobai face! Are you worthy of being a mother! Are you worthy!”

“Do you know where your daughter’s kindergarten is?”

“Have you held a parent-teacher conference for your daughter?”

“Do you know how many years your daughter has been in elementary school this year!”

Chu Hongfa’s expression was furious.

Shang Hongmei was also extremely angry: “Chu Hongfa! Are you speaking human words? I followed you when I was less than eighteen years old, and I was dedicated to living with you! You even gave me a wedding!”

“But what about you?”

“I’m pregnant! But you have an affair with the widow! You and the widow lost all the family’s money! It was those dirty people who infected the widow’s disease! It was the widow who infected you with the disease! It bit you into a waste!”

“Is it my fault?”

“I didn’t leave you for my daughter!”

“You don’t want to go out because of shame! Later, you got sick and couldn’t do heavy work. All the burdens of the family fell on my head!”

“If I don’t go out to work and make money, my daughter will have no money for milk powder, and her daughter will starve to death!”

“Not to mention that my daughter can go to kindergarten and go to school!”

“Chu Hongfa! You are so embarrassed to tell me that you are taking care of your eldest daughter alone? If you are a man, why don’t you go out and earn money to support our two mothers!”

Hearing Shang Hongmei’s anger, Chu Hongfa laughed.

A very rogue smile: “Shang Hongmei, do you think your daughter will believe you if you tell me this? My daughter is my only relative in my life, my sweet little padded jacket.”

“She won’t believe what you say, understand you dead woman!”

Shang Hongmei: “…”

Chu Hong made a sinister smile and said: “Shang Hongmei! I can’t be a man and can’t be with you, but don’t forget that you are always my daughter-in-law! You are mine in life, and my ghost in death. If you dare to give me a cuckold, I will make my daughter not recognize you for the rest of her life!”

Shang Hongmei: “You are so vicious!”

Chu Hongfa: “You just know!”

Shang Hongmei didn’t plan to reason with Chu Hong any more: “I’m going to file a lawsuit against you! I’m going to fight for the custody of my daughter! I’m going to leave with my daughter!”

“Okay!” Chu Hongfa immediately threw out a stack of photos.

Shang Hongmei looked at those photos, her face turned red and white.

Those photos are all of her and the little boy in bed.

Each one can kill Shang Hongmei.

“Shang Hongmei! You dare to take my daughter away from me. Tomorrow, these photos of you will be all over the streets and alleys. At that time, the whole village and the whole city will know how flamboyant you are! They can all see you. The light buttocks!”

“Believe it or not, I can kill you?”

“When you die, my daughter is still under my care. Not only that, but after you die, I can’t go out to work. Our father and daughter are in the car. After a few years, the daughter may not be able to continue her studies, let alone wear a Beautiful clothes.”

“Not to mention let her have a good development in the future.”

“Shang Hongmei, in another five or six years, you will see that your daughter is just like you. At fifteen or sixteen years old, she went to nightclubs to seek life!”

“My daughter won’t hate me by then. She will only hate her mother for not raising her, and she will only hate her mother for not wanting her since she was a child!”

“Maybe she will marry an old man older than me, and maybe she will make a mistake…”

“No… No Chu Hongfa, no! Don’t say it, don’t say it anymore!” Shang Hongmei covered her head in pain.

Chapter 1743

She looked at Chu Hong begging: “I beg you don’t treat your daughter like this, your daughter is your heart, isn’t it?”

Chu Hong sneered: “Of course! My daughter is my life! My daughter is mine, her surname is Chu! She is not yours! You b!tch!”

“Listen to me, go abroad to work as a laborer, and after five years, we will earn enough for our father and daughter to owe you what we need to spend and come back. I have already asked you a question. It can be 200,000 yuan a year! In five years, you can earn 1 million yuan. Come back again!”


“Okay…Okay.” Shang Hongmei promised him with tears in her eyes: “Okay, I’m going to work, isn’t it for five years, if I come back in five years and my daughter is half a point, Chu Hong will send me Even if you bite me, I will bite you!”

Since then, Shang Hongmei has been sent to work abroad.

She’s not signed for five years.

But eight years.

Because she wanted to keep some of the money for herself, so that she could get rid of Chu Hongfa and fight for her daughter’s custody.

In eight years, after she liked a million integers, she still kept 300,000 in her hand.

I originally planned to go back to China to rent a house and find a job, and then take my daughter over to live with her.

She misses her daughter so much.

However, due to long-term labor, missing her daughter, and the lack of good confinement, she fell seriously ill as soon as she returned to China.

The disease lasted half a year.

It has been another year since Shang Hongmei’s health gradually improved.

During the year she was sick, she missed her daughter day and night. She wondered what her daughter looked like now?

Big girl, right?

Finally, on the day her daughter took the college entrance examination at the age of seventeen, Shang Hongmei saw her daughter outside the examination room.

After not seeing her daughter for so many years, her daughter has grown into a slim and eldest daughter just as she thought.


Much more beautiful than her mother-in-law.

When Shang Hongmei was about to meet her daughter, Chu Hong suddenly took her away.

“Shang Hongmei! I warn you! Today is the day of my daughter’s college entrance examination, which is very important to her life. If you dare to make her mood fluctuate at this time, I will sue you for harassment and send you to prison! “

We haven’t seen each other in 1989, and Chu Hongfa hasn’t seen his old age. The clothes he wears are very particular, giving people a very decent feeling.

And the daughter is sweet and dressed in a very foreign style.

Tiantian had a smile on her face, but Shang Hongmei looked at her with tears streaming down her face.

Chu Hongfa was right, she couldn’t disturb her daughter at this time, she wanted her to play well and take the university entrance exam.

Shang Hongmei waited for another three days. During the three-day exam, she watched Chu Hongfa send Chu Tiantian to the exam room from a distance from the entrance of the exam room.

Every time Chu Tiantian entered the examination room, she said goodbye to her father confidently: “Don’t worry, Dad! I will definitely be admitted to a key university! I will definitely win glory for my father!”

Hearing such words, Chu Hongfa would burst into tears in an instant, and the situation seemed to be the image of a loving father.

On the other hand, Shang Hongmei, who was watching all this, burst into tears and felt uneasy in her heart.

Does the daughter still know her mother?

She couldn’t see any melancholy about losing her mother, which Chu Hongfa did very well.

Shang Hongmei comforted herself in her heart, the little girl who has grown to sixteen or seventeen years old must be sensible, and she will definitely recognize her as an extremely hard mother.

Three days passed and the exam was over. Shang Hongmei was waiting, and as soon as Chu Tiantian left the school, Shang Hongmei rushed up: “Tiantian, Tiantian, you have already passed the college entrance examination, baby girl, I… …I’m mom.”

Chu Tiantian’s face suddenly turned from a smile to anger: “Who are you, don’t know you, get out of here!”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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