I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1680 – 1681

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Chapter 1680

As soon as Xu Zeyan turned around, he saw three or four men standing at the door.

The man standing at the front was pointing at the old lady who had just sat down and scolding.

The frightened Shen Weiyi immediately fell into Xu Zeyan’s arms.

Xu Zeyan held the only one in one hand, and protected Shang Hongmei and the old lady behind him in the other, and then looked sharply at the three or four men outside.

Strangely, the man headed by the man who scolded the old lady had a fierce voice, but he was well-dressed and even wore a pair of glasses, looking very gentle.

The two or three men he reached out didn’t look like hooligans either.

Their brothers are all decent people.

“Who are you? How can you break into the house privately, do you know that you are breaking the law!” Xu Ze asked in a flat tone.

As he said, he covered his only ear: “Baby, if your uncle wants to fight with them in a while, you will run away, run to your uncle’s car, and use your phone watch to call for help, understand?”

Shen Weiyi said firmly: “Don’t worry, uncle!”

On the opposite side, the man headed up and down a lot of Xu Zeyan: “Who are you! As far as I know, the old lady Nancheng is this niece besides her son who is in prison. Who are you?”

After thinking about it, the man sneered: “Oh, are you her niece’s concubine?”

The man glanced at Shang Hongmei: “Shang, since you said you want to take care of your aunt’s affairs, then hand over the money your aunt owes us! If you can’t afford it, you can let your concubine pay it back!”

Shang Hongmei’s eyes were red with anger: “You are still human, not human! Let my aunt pay you back! My aunt married your father at the age of forty-five for eleven years! There is no credit or hard work! Is it my aunt’s care?”

“How much is the labor fee for eleven years? My aunt took your money, and you asked her to pay it back! You are still human, not human!”

“Dong Linxiang! I’ll tell you! If you come to our house, I’ll call the police!”

“I’ll call the police now! Do you think I, Shang Hongmei, will be afraid of you!”

“Auntie, don’t be afraid of him! If we call the police, we will go to court!”

The words must be said, Shang Hongmei immediately took out her mobile phone and called the police.

As a result, her mobile phone was slapped by the man: “Is it right to call the police? I advise you to think about it first! It was your aunt who took my father’s money silently! A full 50,000 yuan! This crime of theft is not trivial. Numbers! You better think about it!”

“No way, your cousin went to jail, and you asked your aunt to accompany him in jail?”

“If you think about it, you can call the police! I’m not afraid to see you in court!”

The man picked up the phone and handed it to Shang Hongmei.

Shang Hongmei hesitated.

The man pressed on.

He first glanced at Xu Zeyan contemptuously, and then said: “Shang Hongmei, you thought that you could scare us by bringing your concubine here today, but you are the one who took the blame! Let’s do the goods! Your aunt did the next thing, the same as you!”

“No wonder there are two people, one is going to jail for the son, and the other is the daughter who doesn’t recognize you! It’s strange that your daughter recognizes you when you are recruiting concubines outside!”

Shang Hongmei gritted her teeth: “Dong Linxiang, if you have something to say, don’t insult people!”

“Okay, let’s talk about something! Immediately pay back the 50,000 yuan!”

“No!” Shang Hongmei said.

Let her get the 50,000 yuan all at once, where will she take it?

“No? I’ll give it to your concubine! Does your concubine look decently dressed? That car outside is two or three million? I didn’t expect Shang Hongmei to be able to hook up with such a young concubine at your age, eh? , I said Xiaobai face, pay back the money for your woman!”

“You fart!” Shen Wei was annoyed!

Chapter 1681

Dong Linxiang: “…”

“Look at me biting your pants! You bastard!” Shen Weiyi was so angry.

She likes Shang Hongmei the most, how can she watch Shang Hongmei being insulted?

Before his uncle could say anything, Shen Weiyi was already angry.

She got off her uncle, akimbo, and looked fiercely at the man opposite her, who looked like a little wolf dog.

Dong Linxiang is not a real hooligan, he is here to get 50,000 yuan for his father.

Naturally, he couldn’t be as knowledgeable as a child.

He was stunned: “You…you…hurry up and pick up your child, I won’t have the same knowledge as a child!”

At this time, Xu Zeyan spoke coldly and slowly: “Mr., I don’t think you are a hooligan. Can you tell me in detail what’s going on? Let me know what happened, after I understand it. , I will pay you back the money I owe you!”

After saying that, Xu Zeyan hugged Shen Weiyi again: “The only one is good, uncle will handle this matter.”

Shen Weiyi just lay on her uncle’s body and didn’t move, but she was still angrily waiting for the person opposite.

The opposite Dong Linxiang immediately said, “Shang Hongmei’s aunt is the wife my father married. My father was sick a while ago, and the wife stole 50,000 yuan from my father and ran away!”

“If your concubine can pay her back the money more readily, I won’t sue her for stealing!”

“If no one pays the old lady’s money, then I must report to her for theft!”

“Fifty thousand yuan is not a small amount! Enough for her to stay in jail for a while!” said Dong Linxiang with a sneer and contempt.

Xu Zeyan also sneered: “Listen to Dong, I’m not someone’s concubine! You don’t want to shout one concubine after another! As for the money the old lady owes you, I can pay you back for her! But I also Ask the old lady first! If you say she stole, the old lady doesn’t admit it!”

“This matter needs to be made clear face to face! Besides, you said she invested the money, what evidence do you have, have you seen it?” In fact, Xu Zeyan had no doubt that the old lady took the 50,000 yuan.

He was just puzzled.

He wanted to clear this doubt.

Sure enough, Dong Linxiang said: “Of course there is! There is surveillance in my house, and the surveillance is very clear! The evidence is conclusive, she cannot escape!”

Having said this, Dong Linxiang suddenly changed the subject, and his tone turned a little better: “I also know that Shang Hongmei is unable to pay back the money. Since you are not her concubine, I will not look for you.”

“I thought of a way, Shang Hongmei, do you think it’s feasible or not!”

Shang Hongmei said angrily, “Tell me! It’s the interest, right? Okay! I’ll give you the interest!”

Dong Linxiang said: “Our family has no shortage of 50,000 yuan! My dad is now sick and paralyzed in bed. As long as the old lady is willing to go back to take care of my dad and fulfill her obligations as a wife! I won’t pursue her for stealing money! And the interest You don’t need a cent! You just need to slowly repay the loan in installments, and even if you have ten years, we won’t force you!”

Xu Zeyan: “…”

I finally understood something.

The main purpose of these people is not to ask for money.

Looking for someone to go back to take care of his sick father?

Shang Hongmei was also so angry that she couldn’t speak for a long time.

At this time, I suddenly heard a roar behind me: “I will let you grandchildren bully my old wife and my niece again, I will fight with you! I will hack you to death!”

Xu Zeyan and Shang Hongmei both turned their heads together and were stunned.

At some point, the old lady had a kitchen knife in her hand and was running towards Dong Linxiang and his brothers.

“Auntie, put down the knife!” Shang Hongmei was shocked.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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