I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1672 – 1673

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Chapter 1672

Xu Zeyan nodded: “So, people…you can’t look good.”

Then he looked at Shen Weiyi again: “The only one! This is the girlfriend you want to introduce to your uncle? Not to mention that she is eight years older than your uncle, and… once misbehaved, it must be said that she started Was forced to work in a nightclub, and then what?

Now that you have a family with children, a family you have finally got, if you don’t live a good life, you have to be pretentious.

Let the daughter lose her mother since childhood, can the daughter hate her?

The only one, you introduced such a person to your uncle as a girlfriend, you are hurting your uncle!

You are far worse than your father’s eyesight. “

“Humph!” Shen Weiyi raised his chin and looked at his uncle very unconvinced: “Let’s see! My Shen Weiyi’s vision is the best!”

Things that children think are difficult to change for a while.

Xu Zeyan also did not intend to make Shen Weiyi agree with him.

Most importantly, he felt sorry for his little niece.

“Okay, okay, when you show evidence that she is a very, very good person one day, how about making her your uncle’s girlfriend?” Xu Zeyan coaxed Shen Weiyi.

“It’s almost.” Shen Weiyi smiled.

“Come here, uncle, uncle will feed you.” Xu Zeyan said.

Shen Weiyi went to his uncle’s place with his own rice bowl.

To put it bluntly, she is still very close to her uncle.

The uncle went back after dinner at home. At this time, Suzi and Arron called Shen Weiyi to their side. They were very patient and educated the children in a soft and gentle manner.

“The only one, mother told you, you are still a child, and you can’t give your uncle some mandarin ducks.”

Shen Weiyi didn’t quite understand: “Mom, what’s the mess?”

Suzi: “…”

What is chaotic mandarin duck music?

My daughter is only six years old, how should she explain it to her daughter?

She asked back, “Only, do you want your uncle to be happy and happy?”

Shen Weiyi said without hesitation: “Of course! Besides my father, the person I feel most distressed about is my uncle. Of course I hope my uncle is happy.”

“You heard from my mother that when my uncle and Chu Tiantian are together, it is my uncle’s happiness.”

“If uncle really listens to you and is with that Shang Hongmei, uncle won’t be happy, he will be depressed for the rest of his life, understand, baby?” Suzi explained to his daughter patiently.

Seeing her daughter helping Xu Zeyan win over Shang Dongmei so earnestly, Suzi knew that she had to clear things up with her daughter in the simplest way, not to let her have emotions in her heart, nor to let her really destroy her uncle’s happiness.

But I never thought that the little thing’s eye circles were red again.

Suzi and Arron looked at each other.

What happened to this kid?

Shen’s only character should be sentimental type, and I have never seen her so sentimental.

“What’s wrong with the only one?” Shen Weiyi immediately squatted down with difficulty and hugged his daughter.

Shen Weiyi choked: “But that aunt is really nice. When Uncle Christopher took me out of the car, I saw her holding a stray puppy, and I heard her speak.”

Shen Weiyi didn’t just want to introduce a homeless person to his uncle because he was hot-headed.

She is considered.

Chapter 1673

She really saw the aunt who was squatting by the wall holding the stray dog ”‹”‹that day.

Shen Weiyi heard clearly that the aunt said to the dog: “Little dog, where is your mother? Can’t you find your mother? Seeing that you are hungry, your legs can’t stand up straight, come on, auntie I will give you my pancakes, and you must find your mother after eating.”

“How pitiful is a child without a mother?”

“If your mother can’t find you, she will be very anxious.”

“Here, eat the pancakes. After eating, you will have the strength to walk, and you can find your mother.”

After saying these words, Shang Hongmei really ripped apart the oil cake bit by bit and gave it to the puppy.

Shen Weiyi, who had just got off the car at the time, saw it clearly.

“Mom, that aunt is so good to every stray dog, how could she be bad to her daughter?”

“The only thing I liked when I saw that aunt at first sight, I liked her very, very much, because that aunt looked very much like my mother before. At that time, my mother wore very torn clothes every day, and she was covered in mud and water, and sometimes her body stinks. , but… the happiest thing for my uncle at that time was to see my mother come back. Even if my mother came back dirty, my uncle was the happiest.”

“I thought…I thought my uncle would like this.”

“Because the only one has always felt sorry for my uncle, my mother and I both returned to my father’s side, but my uncle couldn’t go back to my father’s side, and my uncle was alone, so I wanted to find an identical home for my uncle…”

Children’s minds are so simple.

But so attentive and kind.

Suzi burst into tears when she heard it, and she hugged the only one: “Baby, you are right, you are right.”

Shen Weiyi was sad: “But uncle… doesn’t seem to like that aunt.”

Suzi comforted his daughter: “Baby, if you think like this, you love your uncle the most, right?”

Shen Weiyi nodded: “Of course!”

Suzi then said: “You feel sorry for your uncle, and of course you want your uncle to feel happy, right?”

Shen Weiyi: “Mmmm.”

“So, whoever uncle likes in his heart, can be with the person he likes, and uncle will be happy, do you understand?”

Shen Weiyi nodded: “Mom, I know, I won’t let that aunt be my uncle’s girlfriend in the future.”

Her tone was a little sour.

Suzi still hugged her: “But the only one needn’t be sad, although my uncle doesn’t treat her as a girlfriend, we can treat him as a friend. This way, the only one can see her from time to time, okay?”

Shen Weiyi immediately smiled: “Well, good mother, if only that aunt could work in our house like Grandma Li and Aunt Tian, ”‹”‹would that be okay, Mom?”

Suzi thought for a while: “Yes, yes, but I need to ask the aunt’s opinion. It’s too late today. Mom and Dad will contact the aunt tomorrow and ask her if she wants to come to our house to work. How about it?”

Shen Weiyi nodded: “It’s very good!”

The little girl is actually very good at communicating and is very understanding.

This evening, Suzi coaxed Shen Wei to sleep back to the big bedroom, and talked to her husband about it.

“Shaoqin, what do you think we should do about this?” Suzi asked, “Should you call Shang Hongmei to the house and make her a servant? She doesn’t have a job now anyway.”

Suzi also had a good impression of Shang Hongmei.

Arron nodded: “You are the hostess of this family. You are in charge. As for her and her daughter’s affairs, we can adjust it slowly. Your mother and your grandfather can adjust it well. How can your biological mother and daughter not adjust well?”

Suzi nodded: “Okay.”

The next day, Suzi called Shang Hongmei early in the morning: “Hey, Ms. Shang, would you like to be my family and work as a domestic helper?”

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