I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1662 – 1663

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Chapter 1662

Chu Hongfa immediately hesitated: “This…Did Tiantian tell you?”

Xu Zeyan smiled lightly: “That’s not true, isn’t it what you said, when you took in Tiantian’s mother, she was only eighteen years old, and she could not apply for a marriage certificate at eighteen years old.”

“Yes, yes, yes, I didn’t apply for a marriage certificate with that woman because of this matter, but we are a de facto couple.”

Xu Zeyan nodded: “I see.”

After a pause, he said: “So, she is Tiantian’s mother after all, next time if she finds you or Tiantian again, see if you can do this, ask her out, and I’ll talk to her? “

Chu Tiantian: “Brother Zeyan, you are so kind to me.”

Xu Zeyan: “You said it yourself, I’m the hairy-footed son-in-law of your family, so I naturally have to take on the responsibility of the hairy-footed son-in-law.”

After speaking, the family and colleagues laughed.

very happy.

Chu Tiantian was even happier, she actually leaned on Xu Zeyan’s shoulder coquettishly in front of her father and grandmother.

However, Xu Zeyan has something on his mind.

He can’t be wrong.

Chu Hongfa was indeed not very kind to his wife back then.

And the woman she met outside of the Fu Group was not, as Chu Hongfa said, not doing her right job and making a living by selling her looks.

What are the twists and turns here, Xu Zeyan didn’t see Tiantian’s mother, so naturally he couldn’t say anything.

At this moment, Xu Zeyan was still doing this thing with the idea of ”‹”‹helping his girlfriend solve the problem.

At this moment, Xu Zeyan did not expect that the next developments were completely beyond his imagination and control.

After Xu Zeyan left from Chu Tiantian’s house, Chu Tiantian’s father and grandmother were very satisfied with this hairy-footed son-in-law.

Chu Hongfa was even more anxious in his heart, unable to sleep all night.

And Chu Tiantian’s heart is also very warm, she thought, if she encounters that woman in the future, she will call her mother that woman in her heart. When she thinks about meeting that woman in the future, she will definitely ask her boyfriend to help teach her a lesson!

Finally let her die!

This way you will never see her again.

However, Chu Tiantian’s wish was only fulfilled for three days before it was broken by the first.

Since Xu Zeyan went to her house, her relationship with Xu Zeyan became more intimate, and she even took the initiative to express Xu Zeyan that she could be Xu Zeyan’s person.

It’s just that Xu Zeyan is too reserved and decent.

He said that if he hadn’t proposed to her, if he hadn’t brought the matchmaking agency to her, he would have never touched him.

Chu Tiantian even asked him angrily: “Could it be that you are a forbidden bath type!”

Xu Zeyan smiled lightly: “Silly girl! If your future husband doesn’t even have this self-control, I can’t find any women in Nancheng. Don’t I have so many women over the years? Do you want a husband who cares about you? ?”

Chu Tiantian smiled immediately: “Of course I don’t want to!”

After a pause, she said, “Okay, okay! I’m too lustful, but I think it’s better to listen to you. Let’s keep our beauty on the wedding night.”

Although there is no substantial relationship between the two, the relationship between the two is more intimate.

For three consecutive days, Xu Zeyan personally came to pick up Chu Tiantian from get off work.

On this day, Xu Zeyan walked out of the Fu Group with one arm around Chu Tiantian again, and a few colleagues at the door of the company joked with Tiantian.

“Sweet, you are really sweet now.”

“I’m so envious that you found such a handsome and rich husband.”

“Tiantian, I also want such an uncle. Please introduce me.”

“What uncle, what you said is so ugly.”

“Hey! You don’t understand, okay? Uncle love is popular now, and it’s not a real uncle anymore. Look at Mr. Xu, he looks like an uncle. He is only thirty-two years old. When a man is the most attractive, okay! I just want to think of it as an uncle, especially.”

“Tiantian, introduce me.”

Chapter 1663

Chu Tiantian agreed: “Hao Le, I will definitely introduce you.”

“It must be a successful uncle.”

Chu Tiantian smiled and joked: “I will introduce you to an uncle who is twenty years older than you, okay!”

“Also! I just like mature men. Besides, Mr. Xu is twelve years older than you. Twenty, not much. I can.”

“Hahaha, are you looking for a father or a husband.”


Everyone is talking and laughing, all half-truths, but everyone is envious of Chu Tiantian’s truth.

It is said that Xu Zeyan’s age is an uncle, but where does he have the slightest sign of an uncle, he is still very young, okay?

How golden, who doesn’t envy Chu Tiantian?

Chu Tiantian was also very satisfied in her heart. She was envied by these female colleagues, and her heart was full of joy.

Anyway, no matter how long she has not been detained in this group company, she is not too long.

She also put her arms around Xu Zeyan’s arm not to let Xu Zeyan go.

She blatantly acted like a spoiled child: “Brother Zeyan, I want to declare to the world that I am Brother Zeyan’s girlfriend, and I have to give up all the women in the Fu Group who want to covet my brother Zeyan.”

“So Brother Zeyan, you have to stay here for a while longer.”

Xu Zeyan said dotingly: “Okay, no problem! I’ll satisfy you.”

He wasn’t afraid to look anyway.

Who does not know in the entire Fu Group that he is the eldest brother of President Fu?

Just look at it.

Until the company’s female employees have taken turns to envy Chu Tiantian, and they all either take the bus, take the subway, or go to eat and leave, Chu Tiantian still has nothing to do with the child.

“Brother Zeyan, where are we going to eat today?” Chu Tiantian hung on Xu Zeyan’s arm.

“You said, I will let you eat whatever you want.” Xu Zeyan is not picky about food.

“What do you want to eat?” Chu Tiantian asked.

Then she smiled and said, “For the reason you gave me such a long face today, I will follow your taste today, what do you think, I invite you!”

Xu Zeyan smiled and pinched Chu Tiantian’s smiling face: “You invite me? Just your salary?”

Chu Tiantian looked at Xu Zeyan’s wallet maliciously: “Of course it’s my treat, you pay!”

“Haha!” Xu Zeyan was amused and burst into laughter: “You little thing, good! Good! You treat guests, I’ll pay, from now on for the rest of my life, you’ll treat guests, I’ll pay!”

“That’s right!” Chu Tiantian smiled complacently. Her little face was filled with happiness, which was indeed beautiful.

Young is good.

Her skin is like ceramics when shopping, exuding a healthy glow in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Xu Zeyan was stunned.

He is a man, and he has no shortage of all the emotions a man should have.

The reason why he respects the sick and loves Chu Tiantian so much is because of Suzi.

It was Suzi who taught him how to truly love a woman in his heart.

However, at this moment, seeing this young, smiling face, Xu Zeyan really couldn’t control himself, he was a little drunk and a little intoxicated.

But Chu Tiantian was still asking him, “Brother Zeyan, will you eat me tonight?”

Xu Zeyan: “…”

He really couldn’t resist.

“Not good! You old man, let go of Tiantian!” Behind him, there was a sudden roar!

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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