I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1580 – 1581

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Chapter 1580

Kraig couldn’t imagine that Dalia was willing to plead in front of an old man who was older than her father, and was reluctant to follow him back.

How did that determination hit him Kraig in the face?

For a while, Kraig’s heart was so frustrated that he was so irritated, wishing that he would smash himself to death at this moment.

But he still watched Dalia begging to Rob in silence.

Rob is indeed not too bad an old thing, he sighed: “Little pregnant woman, as for me, I really don’t dislike you as a pregnant woman. I am also particularly moved by your way of not giving up your boyfriend’s mother. I admire it very much. You, but I dare not take you in.”

“You are the woman of Lord Kyoto.”

Dalia shook his head immediately: “Boss Zou, look at me now, may the Lord of Kyoto want me?”

“How stupid he must be? He wants me to be like this?”

“Don’t worry, boss Zou, Kraig… Master Jun doesn’t want me. If he wants me, will I still bring my old mother to you?”

Rob: “……”

To be honest, he was really moved by the behavior of this little pregnant woman two days ago.

However, he really didn’t want to cause trouble.

However, this woman is really pitiful.

Thinking about it again, this woman looks good, has a face, and has a temperament, don’t look through it, she is ragged, but her temperament is not comparable to a girl in a small city.

Women from big cities are just extraordinary.

After giving birth to a child and recuperating his body, it might be of great use to him.

After thinking about this, Rob said: “You have to listen to me after you say it. You can do what I ask you to do?”

Dalia immediately nodded like garlic: “Hmm, I will do what you ask me to do!”

“Then what if I…” Rob thought for a while, still had to tell the truth to such a woman.

He is reluctant to eat black.

He likes that people do not do secret things.

“Just tell you this little pregnant woman, it’s impossible for me to marry you.”

“I… don’t want you to marry me.” Dalia said eagerly.

“If you sleep with me, I don’t need you either.” Rob said again.

Dalia: “…”

“Since the matter between the lord of Kyoto and you is done, he doesn’t want you anymore. You are pregnant and you are carrying an old man. To put it bluntly, no one in this world will take you in except me. I must take you in too. The price, when you give birth to a child in the future, you have to pay me back when you are well.” Rob finally came to the point.

“I pay it back! I must pay it back!”

“I just thought, our northeast side often picks up some white goose merchants. Those white hairs are very demanding. You have a temperament and a face. Then you have to help me entertain.”

Dalia: “…”

She froze for a moment.

Do you want her to be… a chicken?

Two clear tears flowed down.

Maybe, she is a life in this life.

She nodded: “Yes!”

Behind him, Elden, who was hiding in the bushes, immediately scolded: “fcuk you! Fortunately, the lady pleaded for this old thing in the morning! At this moment, he has forgotten how he escaped! “

“Master! I’m going to smash this old immortal thing into pieces now!”

Kraig calmed down: “In contrast, he has more power than He, and he has more rules than Xin Wan.”

“An old ba5tard who started by reselling and reselling does not make all his money like this.

In Kraig’s heart, he felt that it was already fair.

He even felt that Rob did a good deed.

Saved Ah Shan, saved her mother. Let her give birth to a child.

Where can you tell his fault? “

Elden: “But… Lord, when is Madam tall?”

Chapter 1581

Kraig’s face became cold and cold: “It’s coming soon.”

Elden: “……”

After a pause, he lost his face in shock: “Master, you are not going to make madam…”

Elden thought that the Lord would become angry, and then simply killed his wife.

Kraig gave Elden a white look: “What do you think!”

Elden: “Oh, what do you mean?”

Kraig did not answer Elden, but said: “Go, go back first, you can find Rob’s mobile phone number for me as soon as possible.”

Elden didn’t dare to ask anything else, so he said: “Yes!”

He got up and followed Kraig to the car and walked out a few steps. He turned his head to look at Rob’s villa.

Dalia and his old mother have been brought into the villa by Rob.

At this moment, there is only one person sitting in his villa.

It was the woman who was released by Kraig this morning.

That girl is one of the five beautiful lovers, and the only surviving woman.

Seeing Dalia following in, the woman immediately asked in a vicious voice: “Dalia, why are you here!”

Dalia did not answer the woman.

She knew that the very young girl in front of her must have resentment towards her.

Sure enough, the little girl immediately acted like a baby to Rob: “Master Zou, what are you doing with this shameless mess? This woman will avenge her gratitude!”

“She is more heartbroken than the lord of Kyoto!”

“Where is the right, I am so good to her, she doesn’t tell the truth to the Lord, or the Lord is more discerning and let me go, Lord Zou, if you let her stay here, there will be her without me. “

While she was talking, the little girl cried, “Master Zou is unwilling to take me in, or let me accompany you, I just leave!”

Dalia looked at the little girl in front of him woodenly.

She didn’t expect a little girl to hold such a grudge.

Although she didn’t intercede for her, Kraig also let her go, didn’t she?

Besides, she didn’t protect herself at the time, how did she intercede?

Seeing the little girl crying, Rob was immediately embarrassed: “This…”

As for all men, few can resist in the present time of beauty.

He embarrassedly said to Dalia: “Look, my little beauty can’t tolerate you.”

Dalia bit her lip, then knelt before the little girl without hesitation: “Please forgive me once, and I will be a cow and a horse for you in the future. You can slap me every day, as long as you want to calm down. .”

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl actually raised her hand and slapped Dalia: “This is what you will end up with!”

Dalia nodded: “Good fight!”

Rob: “……”

He was stunned.

At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly and he picked it up and immediately connected: “Who!”

For only a second, he said to the receiver: “Okay, okay.” Then he walked outside while talking, and walked straight to the outside of the villa. Then he said to the receiver, “Master, you say, I will listen to your orders.”

“Okay, okay, okay, I know, I know what to do, okay!”

In just a few words, Rob was shocked.

At that end, Kraig said: “I told you, have you listened well?”

Rob nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: “Listen, listen to the Lord, I know what to do.”

“Hang up!”

“Yes, it’s the Lord.”

After receiving the line, Kraig handed the phone to Elden. Elden looked at Kraig puzzledly: “Master, why are you?”

Kraig said coldly: “Let my woman take the initiative to come back to me.”

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