I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1578 – 1579

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Chapter 1578


Four hours ago, the old man who was still clamoring with Kraig at the door where he was entitled.

The old man is almost seventy.

He kept saying that Dalia was his woman.

Now Dalia really wants to defect to Rob?

At this moment, Kraig only felt that his internal organs were broken.

He opened the car door blankly and went straight on.

“Master!” Elden shouted immediately behind him.

For a while, since the master started looking for his wife, the master has never calmed down.

The master is impulsive, furious, and sometimes even reddened in his eyes.

Three hours ago, the wife categorically said that she would not come back with her father. Wouldn’t it be even more hatred for her if he went now?

Don’t be bombarded by your wife at that time.

Elden all sweated for Kraig.

But I heard Kraig say sadly: “I just want to hear what they are saying, now I’m too far away to hear.”

If the language was necessary, Kraig walked towards Dalia.

As soon as they approached the gate, Kraig and Elden squatted under the bushes outside the villa, where the cat like a thief was there.

At this time, the old lady who happened to be supported by Dalia was talking to Dalia: “Daughter, my mother has sent you here, so my mother is relieved. If you think this person is reliable, you can stay here. Mom has to Gone.”

The tone of the old lady was extremely bleak.

Dalia fell on her knees before the old lady: “Mom, you…you don’t want me anymore?”

The old lady burst into tears: “My daughter, mother…Mom is old, my son died in the mountains, and my mother wants to accompany my hard-for-life son sooner… .”

“Mom, I’m sorry mom, I’m sorry!”

Dalia cried extremely guilty: “It’s all because of me. If it weren’t for me, Dashan wouldn’t die. Mom, will you accompany me? I will die with you. Then I will take you to the mountain to find Brother Dashan. If there is only a pile of bones, we will die next to the bones, okay?”

The old lady touched her tears for Dalia: “Daughter, why are you doing this?”

Dalia rubbed the old lady’s leg: “Mom, I have no relatives in my life to care for me. You and Dashan are my two relatives. If you two are not by my side, I am a boring life, mother. “

“Mom, stay with me, we will live, okay, mom?”

The old lady hesitated.

After a pause, she said, “Will the boss in this villa accept us?”

Dalia said immediately: “I beg him, I think he should.”

“He is interested in me, and the person is not bad. I think as long as he is willing to take in me and my mother, I can be a cow and a horse in front of him. Mother, rest assured, I will not let you be wronged. No matter where I go, I will take you with me.”

The old lady stroked Dalia’s head: “Daughter, my mother knows that you love me, my mother knows that you are filial and respectful, and your brother Dashan did not die in vain. My mother is grateful to you.”

“Mom, let us live on each other, okay? I’m your biological daughter, mother.” Dalia cried and threw herself into the arms of the old lady.

Kraig in the bushes looked at the poor mothers, with an extremely strong emotion in his heart.

The woman who had been with him for seven or eight years, only now he can see that she is such a kind of love and righteousness, and is such a kind of reward for the people who have saved her.

She was pregnant and desperate, but she still had to use her life to protect her old mother.

It’s a lack of love after all.

She has always been giving, but she has never received love.

Until she met Collin and his mother.

Now that she can behave like this, this kind of reaction and practice just shows that she is a very conscientious woman.

Chapter 1579

It is a pity that such a good woman would never return to his embrace of Kraig.

In my heart, the door of the villa opened.

The old man who came out of it was Rob.

Seeing Dalia assisting the old man standing at her door, Rob was very surprised: “You…you are not being…Jun…Jun…”

Dalia put a smile on his face: “Boss Zou, you…”

She swallowed, and then she calmed her mind and said: “I only knew that I was snatched by you this day, you… you are actually a good person, you are very good to me, and you have no right to be like I abused me like that, I…”

“Don’t think I am pregnant, but I can also sleep with me.”

“I don’t want status, and I don’t want your money…”

“As long as Boss Zou is willing to take in me and my mother, and give me a bite to eat, I don’t have to eat too well, I can eat three meals a day…”

“Okay, boss?” Dalia looked at Rob extremely expectantly.

Rob did not speak for a long time.

Later, he sighed: “Hey, little pregnant woman, don’t you know that I just crawled out of the grave? If I crawled out for a while at night, I would be buried alive like those people.”

“I’ve been sitting at home panting,” said Rob, wiping the sweat from his face.

Seeing the son, he seemed to be frightened a lot.

In fact, he had inquired clearly during these three hours.

The emperor from Kyoto never killed innocent people indiscriminately.

And the Lord always speaks for words.

Since Rob has been released, it means that his life is not in danger for Rob.

What’s more, Rob didn’t do anything outrageous.

It was nothing more than making a few windfalls in the early years and doing a little overlord business in this area of ”‹”‹White Sea City.

As for those who really hit the bottom, he really didn’t do it.

Therefore, the Lord Kyoto will not attack him.

However, at this moment Rob didn’t want Dalia much anymore.

Because there are too many troubles.

And Dalia is the one who provokes the Lord Kyoto, who dares to ask her again? Isn’t that a death!

Thinking of this, Rob took a look at the villa.

Just now, he also accepted a very tender girl who was only eighteen years old.

The little girl said it was a woman who had been following Ho’s power before.

All those women who had the right to be buried with him, including his old Jiu Xinwan, were buried with him.

Only this little girl is alive.

Rob asked the little girl: “How do you live?”

The little girl said: “Yes…the Lord personally let me go, saying that I…very simple.”

Rob laughed immediately: “You are indeed innocent, a hundred times more beautiful than my old nine, and the skin is tender and can pinch water out, okay, you can fill up the old nine, and I will give you 20,000 yuan every month from now on. I will give you a red envelope of 200,000 yuan at the end of the year.”

Old immortal things, even if they just escaped from the god of death, when he saw the tender little girl, he was still not afraid of death.

Now that there is a little girl, and because Dalia and Kraig are involved, Rob naturally doesn’t want Dalia anymore.

Unexpectedly, Dalia’Puff Tong’ knelt in front of Rob: “Boss Zou, take me in. Just give me a stutter. Can you treat me and my mother as a beggar?”

Kraig hiding in the bushes: “…”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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