I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1572 – 1573

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Chapter 1572

Suzi on the other end of the phone is taking care of the baby at home.

Suzi has been pregnant for more than two months.

Because she had to take care of Sanford and Lilly during the years in exile, she had done everything.

She is not picky about the hard and tiring work that men are unwilling to do on the construction site.

At the time when Shen Yi was born and just out of confinement, she braved heavy rain to rush to repair the road section of the silt and did not sleep all day and night. That day and night, Suzi took two thousand yuan of temporary wages.

Enough to buy medicine for Sanford, enough for the only one to buy milk powder for one month.

I was very happy at the time.

Back home, Sanford’s distressed eye circles were red, and he angrily accused Suzi: “Xiangxiang! You won’t be able to give birth to children like this!”

Suzi didn’t care: “Brother, I can’t give birth if I don’t give birth. Anyway, I don’t plan to get married again in my life, let alone have a child with any man. What do I do to have a baby? It’s okay.”

She didn’t care six years ago.

Six years later, she and Arron’s relationship life was so determined.

The two must be trying their best to have children.

But after more than a year, Suzi couldn’t get pregnant.

Both Suzi and Arron knew that the reason why they were not pregnant was because Suzi’s body was suffering badly.

Arron often comforted her: “If you can’t be pregnant, you won’t be pregnant. Anyway, we have the only one, and that’s enough.”

But never thought that she was pregnant again after a year and a half.

The first obstetrician doctor gave Suzi a doctor’s advice: “You are weak and it is difficult to sit down with the fetus. If you want to have a baby, you must have a baby.

Do not exercise vigorously or work overtime. “

“Eat on time, eat more nutritious meals, not cold, not tired, not hot, and not angry.”


Suzi was all laughed angrily.

But the doctor said again: “If you want to be idle, it’s better to lie in bed for the first five months. This is more beneficial to the fetus.”

Because of the doctor’s words, Arron had to let Suzi lie down on the bed.

Not only that, the man also let Shen Only accompany his mother.

Because mom can be happy like this.

Suzi has indeed gone well for a while.

Most of the work is at home, and Rayna, the assistant brought out by her own hand, is very upbeat and can be alone.

Not only that, but my mother also comes often.

Sending meals to Suzi in a variety of ways every day.

So she has been fattened these days.

Also lazy.

Very lethargic, often unable to wake up.

Sleepy Suzi forgot to care about Dalia.

It is also because Dalia has not called her for such a long time, and she does not know Dalia’s contact information, plus Kraig just confessed to Arron 20 days ago that he has to hand over all the affairs he has to handle. Arron dealt with it, and he went to the northeast to watch Dalia go silently.

Suzi felt that Dalia must be doing pretty well now.

At least, she found her love.

There was another Kraig waiting for her silently behind her, and Suzi thought that Dalia would not be in any danger.

But this idea was just broken.

She received a call from Elden, Kraig’s subordinate.

Chapter 1573

Elden’s words were very anxious, and he just said in a few words: “Mrs. Fu, I don’t have time to tell you more. I can only say that Miss Du is very bad now. Lord Jun wants to bring her back. She can’t wander outside anymore, Du The young lady is not willing to come back with the Lord.”

“It’s mainly because Miss Du was hurt too deeply by our Lord.”

“Mrs. Fu, can you please tell Miss Du, this is all for her good, she has been pregnant for more than five months…”

Some words are very anxious.

Add up to one minute.

Suzi was obedient.

She said without hesitation: “Okay, I understand, I’ll call right away.”

After closing the line, Suzi didn’t stop for a second, and immediately called Kraig.

For the past three or four months, Kraig has been looking for Dalia. Suzi has seen her heart and guilt. She once wanted to explain to Dalia, but when she thought that Dalia had found her true love, Suzi didn’t want to say any more.

But at this moment, for Sister Shan, she must persuade her to come back with Kraig.

During the phone call, Suzi heard Dalia crying, and she also cried: “Sister Shan…”

Dalia cried and explained: “Suzi, I’m sorry. Actually, I had money a while ago. I wanted to return it to you, but I want to wait for me to stabilize. I will wait for the restaurant with Dashan to open and stabilize. I also wished you good news and returned your money to you by the way. But I didn’t expect…”

Suzi asked gently: “Sister Shan, I can hear you are very sad, tell me what happened, believe me, I can help you no matter what happens, I can help you! Sister Shan!”

Dalia’s cry became rough and dumb.

It was as if a child who could not find a home suddenly saw his parents.

She no longer fears.

No longer stupid.

She was extremely wronged: “Suzi, I…my love…my love is dead.”

Suzi: “……”

Her heart was also very painful.

After a pause, she calmed down and comforted Dalia: “What the hell is going on, how can Collin die?”

“It’s Kraig!” Dalia said angrily: “It was this devil who united with his fiancee and killed my lover!”

Suzi: “Sister Shan, don’t cry, speak slowly, what is going on?”

Dalia stopped on the phone, like controlling a heinous prisoner, telling Suzi all the emotions that had happened during the recent period.

When Suzi heard this, he was furious: “This Elma, who should be slashed by a thousand swords! Don’t let my old lady see her! I have to scratch her when I see her!”

“There is also Kraig! He is a demon!” Dalia cried in silence.

Suzi: “……”

After a pause, she sighed: “Sister Shan, I…I have to tell you, Kraig…he regretted it the next day he drove you away. Elma was also driven away the next day.”

Dalia was startled: “What…what did you say?”

Suzi said peacefully: “Kraig broke up with Elma the day after you left. Elma found someone to beat you in a rage because Kraig didn’t want her anymore, and she became angry.”

“Later, because of this incident, Rayna Galia and I also beat Elma violently.”

“In fact, Kraig has been looking for you since the second day you left.

But, no matter what, I can’t find you.

Later, when I found you for the first time, you were let go by Kraig’s hands, so he missed you. “

“Later, when he found you for the second time, you already had your beloved man. He couldn’t bear to break your happiness, so he came back by himself.”

“Sister Shan…what I said is true, Kraig has been looking for you without doing anything for more than three months. He is not going to kill you.”

“He is looking for you to bring you back.”

“Sister Shan, come back with…Kraig, you can no longer suffer outside.” Suzi comforted very sadly.

Dalia lifted his eyes blurred with tears and looked at Kraig: “You…are you really here to kill me?”

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