I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1522 – 1523

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Chapter 1522

“Brother Dashan, Brother Dashan, why are they doing this to you?” Dalia, who was pregnant, wanted to rush to Collin, but was stopped.

Behind him, Elma hurried over.

She stood in the middle of Collin and Dalia, looked down at them like a vicious witch, and slowly said: “Collin, now I can give you a chance to live, do you want it?”

Collin’s legs trembled in fright a long time ago.

Hearing Elma say this, he nodded desperately: “Yes, yes! Of course! As long as Miss Qiu can spare my life, we will never go to Kyoto again in this life, let alone disturb you and Mr. Jun. Please beg Miss Qiu to spare me a humble life.”

Elma smiled: “It’s okay to spare you. Am I just giving you a chance? As long as you are willing to listen to me, I will not only spare you, but I will also let you go to Kyoto. Maybe, I will still Give you glory and wealth.”

Collin nodded immediately: “You said, you said, as long as I can do what I can do, even if you let me kneel on the ground to learn how to bark, I will also learn it.”

At this moment, Collin has no dignity.

He doesn’t need dignity, let alone integrity.

He has a seventy-year-old mother to raise.

He also has a wife who is pregnant and lives together.

He can’t die.

He can’t afford to die!

As long as he is alive, let alone let him learn how to bark, he is willing to let him eat shit.

Collin looked at Elma eagerly.

Elma immediately said in a tone of voice: “Okay, very good! This is a deep mountain and old forest. No one will photograph you, and no one will catch your evidence. You are here now, keeping this pregnant. The woman stripped me naked, and then tied her to the tree. You watched it with your own eyes and let all the men here go up one by one.”

“Remember, you have to watch.”

“When they are all done, you will stamp off the child in this woman’s belly with your foot.”

“I can tell you, this is what Kraig meant.”

“Otherwise, do you think our Jia Kraig will spare you?”

“Although Kraig doesn’t want this lousy woman now, Kraig also allows others to cuckold him. If you did this today, you will atone for your merits at Kraig. I promise you can go to Kyoto.”

Elma’s words were extremely calm, but in Collin’s ears, they were no different from the devil.

“Well, this sale is a good deal for you, right?” Elma smiled and looked at Collin.

At this moment, she thought again, if Collin really did this, she would really not kill Collin.

She only needs Dalia to suffer, as long as Dalia can’t get love.

However, Collin closed his eyes and turned his mind: “You kill me!”

“No…” Dalia cried.

She hugged Elma: “Miss Qiu, will you kill me?”

Elma smiled terribly: “Your life will not belong to me, your life will belong to…Xin Wanruo.”

When she turned around, she looked at Collin again: “You think it over, Mr. Han.”

Collin did not answer Elma, he only looked at Dalia: “Xiaoshan, listen carefully!”

Dalia nodded desperately: “Brother Dashan, I’m listening.”

“From now on, don’t cry!”

“We are poor, but we also have the right to live! The more you cry, the more Elma laughs at you. You are not one life, you are two lives. Now you take my mother to escape, as long as you escape. , I might have a chance to live.”

“I have thought about it. Even if I listen to this woman again, this woman will not let me go.”

“The one we can escape is one, you take my mother and go first, go to the police and find someone to rescue me, hurry up, Xiao Shan.” Collin really wants to live.

But he thought about it, no matter what he did, Elma would never let him go.

Dalia: “Brother Dashan, I will stay here and let you go.”

Chapter 1523

“Did you not hear! Elma doesn’t want you, she just wants me to die! Go and find a way to save me, remember to protect the child in your stomach and protect my mother.”

“Hurry up! One who can live is one!”

“Mom! My son is not filial, Mom, don’t feel bad, this is our life, run away, Mom…”

At this juncture of life and death, Collin’s old mother was the most distressed.

The old lady is seventy years old, how can people see her own son being beaten to death?

However, just because she was seventy years old, she was used to seeing the scorching state of the world. At this moment, she suddenly smiled calmly: “Mom is going to die with you, don’t leave mom…”

“Take my mom away! Xiaoshan, take my mom away if you love me!” Collin roared.

In this life and death decision, Dalia did not hesitate to help the old mother and get into the car.

In those few years, following Kraig, her car skills were very good.

No matter what the old mother was crying in the car, she just drove down the mountain madly, saying, “Call the police, call the police, I’m going to call the police…”

However, she heard the muffled noise before the car drove out for a hundred meters.

Dalia is no stranger to the sound of raising.

She used to follow Kraig, and Kraig took her to hit the target. The sound was very similar to the sound of the target.

The car stopped abruptly.

Dalia’s tears also solidified.

The old mother was also stunned after the back seat.

Immediately afterwards, the old mother suddenly yelled: “My son…”

“My son…” The old mother fainted.

Dalia stopped immediately, opened the door, and ran madly in the direction of Collin. A few meters away, she saw a large amount of dirty blood.

And the man who fell in a pool of blood.

“Brother Dashan…” Dalia’s voice went straight.

She rushed over and hugged Collin, who was covered in her body and still closed her eyes, crying bitterly: “Brother Dashan, Brother Dashan, Dashan…”

“My mountain…”


Her image is more painful than being scratched by a knife.

She cried dimly.

After crying enough, she still held the slowly stiff Collin and looked up at Elma: “Why…why!”

Elma sneered: “You woman! I’m waiting for you to ask you what I said until now!”

Dalia gritted his teeth and asked: “Why! What! What!”

Elma smiled very proudly: “Because I, Elma’s man, can’t be contaminated by anyone! Since you are contaminated, I will let you die better than life! Do you know that life is better than death?”

“Oh no, it’s not like you are better to die now, you will know what is better than death in a few days.”

“Oh, by the way, do you think the weapon my husband gave me to execute your husband is advanced?” Elma took the black hole and showed off in front of Dalia.

Dalia slowly put down Collin, and then rushed towards Elma: “I’m fighting with you…”

Elma stepped back and let the two of them restrain Dalia. She raised her head and pointed towards the car Dalia drove just now: “Hey, big belly, look over there.”

Elma immediately looked at the old mother in the car subconsciously.

At this look, he was stunned.

Then she suddenly screamed: “Mom…”

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