I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1470 – 1471

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Chapter 1470

Xiao Song immediately took out his cell phone and dialed out. Just as he was about to connect, Kraig’s cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was actually Suzi calling.

Kraig immediately answered the channel: “Suzi, why did you call me this time? I…”

I was about to tell Suzi that he found Dalia, but he heard Suzi say on the other end of the phone: “Kraig, there is something I forgot to tell you. I was taking a nap just now and I didn’t do a good job. I woke up from my dream, and I remembered to tell you this.”

Kraig said: “What’s the matter, and what dream is it?”

“I just dreamt that Sister Shan jumped off a cliff. Four months ago, when I was forced to change Lanita’s kidney by Elder Shu, I had this dream. Sister Shan had no choice but to jump off the cliff.”

Kraig: “What do you want to say?”

Suzi said sadly: “Kraig, when Sister Shan called me half a month ago, I could hear from her tone that she did not intend to hide from you. Since she did not intend to hide from you, This means that your chances of finding her must be greater than before, but…”

Suzi sighed, “But, this also shows that Sister Shan wants to die with you.”

“In other words, the day you found her, or perhaps the most desperate moment when she was desperate, you…you must not drive Sister Shan to death…”

“If you force Sister Shan to death, I, Suzi, will fight you to the end in this life! Unless you die!”

“Kraig, remember it for me! It’s you! You drove Sister Shan out, you drove her out, it was you, and didn’t take her dedication to you as a shit. Girlfriend, tattered stuff! When you come back with a woman you haven’t seen in ten years, you can actually drive away the people next to your pillow!”

“You are the first to be unsympathetic first!”

“If you dare to kill Sister Shan, I will kill you!”

Kraig: “…”

Suzi’s words made Kraig like five thunders.

He suddenly realized that Suzi was right.

He has been looking for Dalia for four months, from Kyoto to the Northeast, from the Northeast to the South City, from the South City to the Northeast, back and forth two or three times, each time using a lot of manpower, but there is no trace.

But this time, only half a month ago, I saw Dalia.

What does this show?

It shows that Dalia didn’t mean to hide from him anymore.

Is she holding a mortal mentality, and hitting a rock with his egg?

Kraig’s heart suddenly tightened.

“I see! I’m going to find my wife! I’m not going to kill her! Naturally, I won’t let her fall off the cliff. I’m talking about it, take a million steps, and I don’t want you to trouble me. Don’t worry. No matter if I bring her back or not, she will be intact.” Kraig promised Suzi extremely solemnly.

Only then did Suzi say: “You know the best!”

If the language was necessary, he hung up the phone.

She hasn’t had a good rest recently, and she hasn’t been able to eat very well. Today coincided with a day off, and Arron took the only one to his mother Alyce to eat dumplings.

And she, because she didn’t have an appetite, and she was lazy at home because of her physical discomfort.

After eating some porridge at noon, I took a nap.

She has been very sleepy lately.

Chapter 1471

I slept for two or three hours in this sleep, which was longer and had more dreams.

In her dream, she could clearly see that Dalia was forced to the edge of the cliff by a group of people. She looked back at the cliff, then smiled miserably at those chasing her, and said: “I have waited for this day. The weather is so good, it suits me to jump off the cliff!”

“But Kraig, please listen to me. One thing I regret doing in my life is to know you, and one thing I regret most is to covet your protection for me. I am a person, I should have seen my destiny long ago.”

“I knew that your protection for me was the moment when it hurt me the most. I would rather be imprisoned for a lifetime, and would rather be beaten to death. I would never know you, because others beat and scolded me, at least they wouldn’t let me. Sad.”

“And you, Kraig, you tore my heart to pieces 1”

“I swear! I never want to meet you again forever!”

“Never see you again!”

As long as the words must be said, Dalia still jumped off the cliff resolutely.

“Sister Shan, Sister Shan…” Suzi woke up from crying. She shouted so loudly that Sister Li, who was cleaning outside, heard it all.

Sister Li immediately pushed the door in, helped Suzi up and knocked her back in her arms: “What’s the matter, ma’am, what’s the matter? Have you had a nightmare?”

Suzi cried with tears streaming down his face: “Let’s tell you Li, I’ve been the only one from carrying Shen Shen to five and a half years old, and I have been on the run for more than six years.”

“At that time, I didn’t know Arron’s new intentions for me. I only knew that Arron was chasing me and killing me. Sometimes I was pressed, and I always thought, come! As long as you find me, I will kill the child first. Suicide!”

“I have had this idea countless times.”

“It’s just that when Arron found me later, he first squeezed my handle, otherwise, I would rather die and would not come back with him.”

Aunt Li looked at Suzi in confusion, and asked distressedly: “Madam, you and Master have such a good relationship now, and Master is almost an example of a good man in Nancheng. Why do you suddenly miss those old years? What about the past?”

“Don’t think about it, ma’am, it’s all over, and there will be good days in the future.”

Suzi smiled bitterly: “You know what Li, I have been in jail before and never graduated from college. Since I was young, no one wanted to be friends with me. I grew up so lonely. “

“How much do I long for someone to be my friend?”

“I was in the Lin family when I was young. When I saw Lanita’s birthday, I would invite a lot of children. They wear so western style, all of them are gorgeous, so I can be friends with them, so that they can play with me. , I even lie on the ground as a horse for them.”

“At that time, they teased me.”

“There is a game called vaulting horse game.”

“I bent down, supported my ankle with both hands, and then asked the children to press my back to vault, but they all jumped over one by one, but no one was playing with me. Instead, they turned around and made faces at me.”

Sister Li burst into tears upon hearing this: “My poor child…”

Suzi leaned in Li’s arms and said quietly: “I have experienced this all the time, until I was brought back from Quxian by Arron, and he took me to a gathering of his friends. That was my number one. I saw Sister Shan this time.”

“Sister Shan is so beautiful, elegant, and beautiful, but not arrogant at all. She is very kind. When everyone ignored me, Sister Shan handed me a bottle of pure water.” Until now, Suzi’s memory is still fresh. .

“But now, Sister Shan is also pregnant, and she is also afraid that Kraig will find her. I can hear from her tone that she is going to break the boat, Sister Li, do you think Sister Shan will die?”

Li Sao didn’t know how to answer Suzi.

Before Suzi waited for Li’s answer, she took out her mobile phone and called Arron.

At the other end, Arron was taking the child to make dumplings with her mother-in-law’s house. The dumplings were ready to be brought back and put in the refrigerator to freeze them.

The phone rang, he picked it up and glanced at it, then connected: “Kraig, what’s going on with you… over there?”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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