I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1466 – 1467

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Chapter 1466

After four months of absence, the woman has lost weight.

Others are fat during pregnancy and can eat, but Du Junshan is thin. Through the glass of the car, Kraig can see the thin capillaries on the bridge of Dalia’s nose.

There are some small freckles on her face.

However, this did not affect her beauty in the slightest.

She can’t describe beauty anymore. To be more precise, she is very happy, she smiles very sweetly, and smiles full and satisfied.

The clothes on her…

Kraig couldn’t bear to look straight.

The woman is not short in height, but her feet have always been small, wearing only 36.5 high heels.

But now, when a woman is sitting on the steps under the viaduct, the first thing that catches Kraig’s eyes is the outdated pair of shoes on her feet.

That is a pair of men’s black canvas construction shoes.

There are still circles of needlework on both sides of the shoes. You can’t tell if you don’t look carefully, but Kraig’s eyesight was very good when he was young, so he could tell at a glance that the shoes on Dalia’s feet were It was a patch that was once rotten and then applied from the inside, so there were only circles of needlework outside.

But it doesn’t seem obvious.

The patched shoes, forty yards in size, were worn on Dalia’s feet, just like Chaplin’s.

In order to prevent the shoe from falling off, she tied the shoelace very tightly, which even led her to wear a pair of very fat shoes with a pair of small feet.

Very out of date and funny.

However, it gives people a very sad feeling.

Looking at the shoes on his legs, Kraig realized that Dalia was actually wearing a pair of Lao Lan’s cotton trousers with dark patterns.


This kind of thin cotton trousers are generally only available in the market in remote mountain villages, and most of them cost more than ten to twenty yuan.

And those who buy these cotton trousers are all very old ladies.

But these cotton trousers are too inappropriate to wear on Dalia.

Fortunately, the padded jacket on the upper body is better.

It’s the kind of half-length, rust-red cotton jersey.

The cotton jacket comes with a hat, and the hat is surrounded by white fur on the cheeks. Even if it is worn like this, the fur on the cheeks, but the fur on the hat sets off Dalia. A small face is extraordinarily small.

She has no makeup.

However, his skin was extremely pale, and his lips were pale and bloodless. Such Dalia made Kraig’s heart hurt so much.

In Kraig’s heart, there was nothing more than taste.

Behind him, Xiao Song shouted: “Master, do you want to do it?”

Kraig said: “Let’s talk about it later.”

Along the way, he was extremely anxious and anxious, and he even urged Xiao Song countless times.

At the last two, he couldn’t bear to delay for a moment. Seeing that Xiao Song was tired from driving, he took it and drove by himself.

Just to see Dalia as soon as possible, to hold this woman who had been missing him for three months in her arms one minute earlier.

However, when she came here, seeing the extremely happy and peaceful smile on her face, Kraig stopped.

He doesn’t know how to intervene with such a pair of men and women?

Under the overpass, two hard-to-fail people ate the same bowl of rice depending on each other.

The food inside is extremely simple, nothing more than potatoes and Chinese cabbage, but there is only one spoon, you have one bite for two people, and I have one bite, and you can eat very happily.

In this way, Kraig also thought that Dalia once fed him a meal like this with a spoon.

However, at that time Kraig was lying halfway on the sofa, while Dalia took the spoon and fed him bite by bite.

She doesn’t drink it herself.

After feeding him, she would put down the dishes and not rush to clean up, but turned to the back of the sofa. Insert his hands into his short hair and massage his head.

Chapter 1467

Her massage technique is very precise.

Competitor technician.

Kraig could clearly feel that Dalia who was massaging him did not leave his nails at that time.

And now, Kraig can also see it. Don’t look at Dalia’s ugly clothes. He wears shabby and outdated clothes that can no longer be outdated.

But her hands are very beautiful.

Her nails have been left long. The trim is very nice.

In the past, for so many years with Dalia, Kraig has always been strange. Women who love beauty, without exception, like nail art. Why does Dalia never nail art?

Until this moment, Kraig understood that Dalia did not dislike manicure.

Rather, when she was with him back then, she had to serve him, cook for him, peel the fruit for him, and peel the fruit by hand. She peeled it by herself, and then slaughtered a little bit for him to eat. .

In her free time, she massages his head and body, so that she washes his feet personally, massaging the soles of the feet and toes for every acupuncture point.

And to do these things, you can’t keep your nails.

Because I was afraid of scratching him.

Even when the two of them were in love, the short fingernails of the woman pinched Kraig’s back, pinching his back with red seals.

Afterwards, Dalia would blame himself very much and say to him: “Yu, my… my nails have pinched your flesh again, I should cut my nails, I forgot, I’m sorry.”

How gentle and well-behaved women were at that time.

She was so obedient to him.

But now, her Baiyibaishun is still missing, but her face is more delicate and naughty, and she has learned to keep her nails.

Her nails are so beautiful.

In this way, Kraig can infer that although Dalia is dressed like a beggar, does not even have a job, and is reluctant to buy and eat a meal, she does not do any work in this man’s house.

Even Kraig could infer that Dalia didn’t even wash his clothes.

Therefore, when the subordinates behind him asked him: “Master, do you want to do it?” Kraig stopped.

There was a terrible anger in his heart, and he wished he could cut the man who Dalia was feeding him at this moment.

However, Kraig held back.

He wanted to see this man’s home, what did they do when they arrived at home?

Is this Kraig’s evil taste?


He doesn’t know why!

He just thought that even if he killed this man, he would have to cage Dalia’s heart back.

He can’t just want people, but the heart doesn’t follow him.


Kraig is not far below the overpass. Every second is waiting like a year.

Until the two of them had a meal, Dalia carefully raced the tableware into the bridge hole again, and the two went to find work separately.

Kraig did not follow Collin, but followed Dalia.

After Dalia and Collin separated, they went to a restaurant not far from the sky bridge.

She stood at the door of the restaurant and stopped for a long time, but did not go in.

Kraig, who was not far away, was wondering, could it be that she hadn’t eaten enough just now?

After all, a woman who is pregnant with a child has a big appetite. Could it be that she just gave up the food to the man, so she didn’t have enough, at this moment, it is like eating a meal in a restaurant, but she has no money?

When Kraig was about to let Xiao Song go down, thinking of ordering a table of food for Dalia, he saw a woman with a perm head and a more foreign style coming out of the restaurant.

The woman looked at Dalia arrogantly: “You woman, what are you doing standing in front of our door!”

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