I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1460 – 1461

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Chapter 1460

These subordinates of Kraig are all old subordinates who have followed Kraig for many years.

They knew no less about Kraig than Arron. After so many years, their master looked gentle and kind, but never messed around outside.

And he doesn’t have such patience with women.

Among them, Elden, who has been with Kraig for the longest time, has personally seen how Kraig prevented a second-tier female celebrity from getting off the stage.

The star is called Royce Xing.

Xin Wan is not an internationally popular movie star, but he is still famous in Kyoto and the northern generation.

That’s why she didn’t rank among the first-line stars. According to Xin Wanruo’s own words, it was because she didn’t want to be submerged.

She has always been clean and self-conscious, and she is very arrogant, which makes her stardom difficult.

Five years ago, Xin Wanruo was lucky enough to meet the Lord at the same banquet.

At that time, neither of the two took the initiative to talk to anyone.

The reason why Kraig didn’t see a very dazzling beauty star in the banquet venue was because of his personality, he never took a second look at women.

The beauty star Xin Wan seemed to be in the whole banquet and never looked at Kraig.

Until the banquet ended more than two hours later, Xin Wan was walking in a hurry while answering the phone, and unexpectedly ran into Kraig.

Not only that, she also stumbled and screamed: “Ah…”

Everyone thinks that with Kraig’s usual easy-going temperament, she will definitely raise her arms around the beautiful waist, so that the beautiful woman will not fall.

However, Kraig’s face was cold and flat as she watched the beautiful woman fall down.

He almost knocked out Xin Wanruo’s teeth.

Xin Wanruo’s haircut was messed up at the time, her lipstick was still on the ground, and half of her lips were swollen like sausages.

She stood up angrily, dragging her skirt with one hand, and covering her lips with the other, looking at Kraig aggrievedly: “You…you are a disciple, why are you tripping me!”

Kraig said nothing, but looked at Xin Wanruo calmly.

Dalia, who was holding Kraig’s arm, said: “Miss, Mr. Jun has been standing here, and she hasn’t moved. Why did you trip you? If it is really trip, isn’t it because your skirt is too long, and you Did you accidentally bump into Mr. Jun when you were walking in a hurry? Well, are you knocking seriously?”

Dalia speaks truthfully.

Because she saw very few guts outside, she didn’t guess that people would be bad.

Xin Wanruo’s reaction was great. She raised her head and glared at Dalia: “You mean I did it on purpose? I have never done anything like this before! Because of disdain! Who are you? What right do you have to accuse me? “

Dalia: “I…”

The assistant behind Xin Wanruo let out a sneer: “A nameless woman who is only rented in this banquet hall, what right do you have to accuse us Miss Xin! I am afraid you don’t know, Miss Xin has always been famous for our high self-love. Yes! Miss Xin has never bothered to touch porcelain deliberately, please apologize to Miss Xin immediately!”

Dalia: “I…I, what did I say? I…”

She really kindly treated her as a donkey.

When he was at a loss, Kraig spoke.

The tone was very cold: “Since Ms. Xin is a noble and self-loving person, and she is very disdainful of welcoming people, please don’t come to such an occasion next time! As long as Ms. Xin does not come, naturally no one will doubt that you touched porcelain! “

Assistant: “…”

Xin Wanruo: “This gentleman…”

“My surname is Jun, Kraig!”

Xin Wanruo: “I… I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were Mr. Kyoto-kun.”

“You step on my foot if you don’t know?” Kraig asked bluntly.

Xin Wanruo: “I…not intentionally.”

“Then cut off your feet next time! So you will not step on my feet, whether intentionally or unintentionally!” Kraig said coldly.

Xin Wan’s whole person shuddering as if frightened.

Dalia was kind. She raised her head and glanced at Kraig, and said gently, “Kraig, what are you doing? You scared her.”

Turning his head, Dalia looked at Xin Wanruo: “Aren’t you leaving now?”

Chapter 1461

If Xin Wan ran away immediately, dragging her dress skirt and ran away.

“Come back!” Kraig scolded coldly.

The scared Xinwan seemed to tremble on the spot, she turned her head in tears and asked Kraig: “Jun…Mr. Jun, I won’t dare anymore…”

“You forgot that I apologized to my female companion!”

Xin Wanruo: “…”

Dalia: “Forget it…”

Kraig didn’t speak, but looked at Xin Wanruo with cold eyes.

At that moment, Xin Wanruo was about to dig a hole in the ground.

She has painstakingly managed so many high-cold personalities, and she did indeed do so, in order to one day be able to hang on to the most powerful man in Kyoto, because she heard that Kraig is still single.

But she didn’t expect that at the banquet scene where she finally came in, she actually stayed there for two hours, and Kraig didn’t even look at her when she opened her eyes.

There was really no trick, she just took a trick to answer the phone in a hurry, while going out.

This kind of situation should be less suspicious in anyone’s eyes, but Kraig didn’t buy it in the slightest.

Not only didn’t buy it, but also embarrassed her on the spot.

Don’t you apologize?

If Xin Wan knew that she had escaped today.

In the end she cured, lowered her head, and bowed to Dalia: “I’m sorry, Miss, I was wrong, please forgive me.”

Rao was still not enough. After this incident, Kraig blocked Xin Wanruo.

Let her stop appearing in Kyoto.

The reason is that Xin Wan appeared in front of him too many times during the whole banquet, and he was dazzled by the dangling of a wine glass again and again.

I was very upset.

That incident made a sensation in Kyoto’s entertainment industry.

From then on, the whole of Kyoto knew that Mr. Jun was gentle and peaceful on weekdays, and never showed a cruel appearance, but Mr. Jun was really cruel to women, and he would not pity Yu Yu.

Moreover, the insiders also knew that maybe there is only one person in this world who can really let Mr. Jun pity and cherish Yu.

That is the little princess Elma who is far away abroad.

This is the cognition of the soldiers who follow Kraig.

But today, at this moment, it was broken.

Kraig actually said, he is going to find her wife, the child’s mother?

Is that Miss Dalia?

Elden knows Dalia best, she is a good woman.

That woman is so pitiful.

Seeing that his father insisted on going to the Northeast to search for him, Elden couldn’t help but hesitate: “Master, you…”

“Why, do you have any doubts!” ”‹”‹Kraig asked.

“Kyoto’s official business…”

“You don’t need to worry about this. Even if I, Kraig, are not in Kyoto, I can still remotely direct the affairs of Kyoto!” Kraig said coldly.

“Yes, Lord…” Elden didn’t dare to say anything.

He only commanded the driver in a team of vehicles with his entourage: “Go!”

The car drove all the way to the northeast.

A group of people here just drove out, and a car followed closely behind.

The driver in the car asked puzzledly: “Miss, what are you…”

“Keep up with the convoy ahead! I will give you 10 million wherever you go!” Elma said, staring at the convoy going away intently.

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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