I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1442 – 1443

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Chapter 1442

Hearing the voice of the other party, Suzi was personally shocked.

She thought she had heard it wrong, and she stammered excitedly: “Shan…is sister Shan you?”

At the other end, Dalia smiled gently: “Suzi, you…what’s wrong with you, why are you so excited? I…I didn’t call you too many days?”

Suzi: “……”

In the past few days, she was disturbed by Gu Jianing and Gu Xiaoqing, who had come back from abroad suddenly, and she almost broke up her marriage.

So that after this incident, Suzi actually felt like a world away.

She felt again as if Sister Shan hadn’t called her for a long time.

In fact, it was only two weeks.

“Sister Shan, you…” When Suzi was about to say, here Kraig made a gesture with her.

Suzi immediately glanced at Kraig.

Kraig didn’t even think about looking for pen and ink or anything, so he bit his finger directly, and then wrote a few words on the quilt on the hospital bed.

“Don’t let Xiaoshan know that I’m here, talk to her more.”

Suzi nodded.


Dalia always called, but Dalia never let Suzi find her.

Here Suzi relaxed his expression and said: “Sister Shan, it’s okay, I have been in a quarrel with my husband for the past two days…well, I almost got divorced. Haha”

As she said, she laughed herself.

But I never thought that Dalia’s tone on the other end of the phone was very heavy: “I felt something was wrong in the past two days. I had the same dream yesterday and the day before yesterday, Suzi.”

Suzi immediately asked: “What’s wrong with Sister Shan?”

“I dreamed that you were bitten by a mad dog for two days in a row. I saw it very clearly in my dream that two mad dogs were biting you.”

“And those two mad dogs are not ordinary mad dogs. They are just like the expensive and sturdy pet dogs. Both dogs bite you at the same time, but their owners are still bullying you.”

“Suzi, why did I have such a dream? I dreamed twice as soon as I had a dream.”

“Suzi, you don’t know how much I worry about you. Tell me, are you really okay? Look at me… Kraig is chasing me and I can’t go back to Nancheng to help you. Are you okay?”

Suzi: “……”

Tears welled up in the eye sockets.

She didn’t know what to say.

Her throat was choking.

Many people say that a woman’s sixth sense is the strongest. Suzi really witnessed this with his own eyes today.

Sister Shan is right.

In the past few days, she was indeed bitten by a mad dog.

Still two mad dogs.

Or two high-end mad dogs in luxurious clothes.

Suzi tried to suppress his emotions and recovered his calm. He said to Dalia: “Sister Shan, I’m fine…I have really quarreled with my husband in the past two days. I’m all right now, you Are you okay, Sister Shan?”

Dalia breathed a sigh of relief at the other end: “It’s fine. Suzi, do you know that Sister Shan actually has no friends.”

“I just don’t have real friends. When I followed Mr. Jun, I always acted on the spot. Even if everyone respects me, it is because of Mr. Jun’s face.”

“I don’t know what I am?”

“Mr. Jun’s domestic helper. In this world, people who really value me, treat me as a friend and care about me, only you and your daughter are the only ones.”

Chapter 1443

“Suzi, when I was most in distress, you still loaned me money.”

“Suzi, do you know how grateful I am? But I can’t go back to Nancheng. When I go back to Nancheng, I think Mr. Jun will kill me.”

“So even if I worry about you, I can’t go back and see you. You have to be careful about everything, Suzi.”

Suzi: “……”

She glanced at Kraig subconsciously.

Kraig was stunned.

Suzi turned on the hands-free.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Suzi.

On the other end, Dalia resolutely said: “Suzi, I have been a domestic helper in a wealthy family for seven years. I originally thought that the head of the house would right me up. As a result, when I drove you out, there was no sign of it.”

“I won’t even let me take away the clothes that Shen replaced.”

“Not only that, but it can also take away all the wages from me.”

“In fact, the people in the rich can really be cruel.”

“So Suzi, my elder sister tells you from my elder sister’s experience that you have to be careful in everything. People like us are not good at them.”

Suzi nodded here: “I know Sister Shan, I know, what you said is for my good. Sister Shan…”

On the other end, Dalia smiled to himself: “But Suzi, I looked at Mr. Fu that he should not be that kind of person.”

“Mr. Cong Fu is willing to let you give birth to him, and is willing to post the news of your marriage with him on the official Weibo. I guess he and Mr. Jun must not be the same person. Mr. Fu should be sincere to you.”

Suzi glanced at Arron, “Sister Shan, Arron is really nice to me.”

“So Suzi, when you meet a good man, don’t be too self-willed. Men are good-looking. Sometimes you have to let him, know? That way your life can last longer.”

“You know Sister Shan, thank you Sister Shan.” Suzi’s tears were already streaming down his face.

“Okay, it’s okay. Suzi, Sister Shan called today to ask if you are safe or not. If you are okay, Sister will hang up the phone.”

Suzi: “Sister, I haven’t spoken to you yet.”

Dalia smiled: “Your sister, I am a pauper now. In this great mountain, people who are not willing to pay 2,000 yuan to find a job, they just give it 800! So my sister’s face phone bill can’t bear to use it.”

“I have to save money now, save money to raise my baby, save money to pay back your 10,000 yuan.”

“Sister Shan, I don’t want it anymore, and the money will be given to my little nephew as a meeting gift, and I won’t mention money in the future.”

“That won’t work, Sister Shan doesn’t want to owe anyone, she doesn’t want to owe a point.” Dalia said.

Suzi continued to ask: “Sister Shan, are you okay with your baby now?”

“You mean my belly?”

When it comes to his stomach, Dalia’s tone is filled with happiness that can’t be concealed.

Her voice was raised up, and she didn’t talk about the phone call, she only said excitedly: “Eh, it’s amazing, do you know Suzi, it’s been more than two months, less than three months, you just How do I feel?”

Suzi smiled and asked, “How do you feel?”

“I can feel her blowing bubbles in my stomach, the kind of chirping movement, and I can still feel his heartbeat.” Dalia said happily.

Suzi’s face bloomed with a smile: “Yes, when the fetus is three months old, his heartbeat is like blowing bubbles, tweeting, you can feel it in your stomach. When your month gets older, You can still feel her turning over.”

“Really!” Dalia asked in surprise.

Suzi said: “Of course, the baby is naughty and not naughty. I can feel it in my stomach. When I was the only one, when it was almost time to give birth to her, she kept rolling in my stomach and was very active. “

“As a result, after giving birth, don’t look at the only girl, but she doesn’t have the slightest tenderness of a girl, the only one is very active.”

“Haha!” Dalia smiled happily on the other end.

After laughing, she suddenly said to Suzi in a serious face: “Suzi, sister…can I ask you something?”

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