I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1396 – 1397

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Chapter 1396

Fu Zhengxiong said immediately: “Yes! Old man! Even if the man was found by Gu Xiaoqing to frame Suzi, what did the black man later say? The black man harassed us repeatedly for Suzi. Beat Wenyu.”

“She has nothing to do with my mother when she beat your wife! Why don’t you blame yourself! Fu Zhengxiong! If you dare to touch my mother’s finger, I will trample you to death!” The little thing who has not been talking, Lilly suddenly Spoke up.

Although she is only six years old, she is already very good at seeing things.

She hadn’t interrupted for a while just now, because she could feel that Elder Shu was indeed speaking to her mother and grandma.

And now, his own grandfather is going to pour dirty water on his mother again, and the only kid Shen naturally wants to get up to protect her.

Fu Zhengxiong: “Only, you are your father’s daughter!”

“I was born by my mother!”

“My mother has raised me for six years!”

“My mother took me alone in such a difficult place in Quxian County! If she wanted to run away with someone, she would have been private! Why did she come to Nancheng, and after marrying my father, she was looking for men everywhere?”

Fu Zhengxiong was speechless by Lilly: “…”

Lilly looked at Gu Xiangyi again: “Mother Gu Xiangyi! It is already certain that you are framed my mother! You bad woman, while framed my mother, came to my house as a guest! And said that you are my father’s friend! “

“Mother Gu Xiangyi! Your courage is too fat! Do you think no one in our family can do to you?”

The little girl spoke like a little adult.

Main Christopher often teases her.

Sometimes when Christopher teased Shen Shen alone, Christopher would say: “The little princess’s courage is fat, and the little boys have been beaten to the ground by you. You are not afraid.”

This child, who gets along with him for a long time, has learned his tone of voice.

“Christopher! Christopher!” Lilly shouted like a big sister.

Christopher did not agree.

Christopher would not come in the Fu’s old house.

He always looks at the car outside.

Lilly naturally couldn’t be called Christopher.

An angry Shen Zuo crouched on his hips, grinning.

The grandma beside the provoked person covered her mouth and smiled: “The only thing, you little thing, you look like a little shrew with your hips akimbo.”

“Huh! I’m a shrew! Who dares to bully my mother, I want her to look good!”

“Christopher! Christopher!” Lilly shouted again in a sharp voice.

Darius on the side was also amused: “The only one, can Uncle Darius do the work for you?”

Lilly looked at Darius up and down: “Are you from my mother’s side?”

“It must be!”

“She also called your cousin!” Lilly pointed to Gu Xiaoqing.

Darius, who has always been gentle and elegant, said, “Fart!”

Lilly covered his mouth and smiled: “Puff……”

“Drag me Gu Xiangyi’s mother on the car, wait until I’m full and clean her up!”

Darius: “…”

“Are you tied up or not!” Lilly shouted.

At this time, Elder Shu spoke up: “The only one, your Uncle Darius won’t tie it up, can I tie it up, okay?”

Lilly sneered: “Are you willing?”

Old man Shu blushed: “…”

Lilly rolled his eyes and said, “They are all your relatives. They have been the little princesses of Nancheng since they were young, the princesses of Nancheng when they were older, and the princesses of foreign countries after the elders. Why are you willing to tie up your princess?”

Chapter 1397

The six-year-old girl is really fighting for her mother.

Arron suddenly felt sad.

In fact, Shen’s only one is very sturdy and surpassing his peers.

She is clear in her words, and she looks at people’s hearts very thoroughly, even though she is only six years old, she is alive and transparent.

When Elder Shu heard that Lilly ran against him like this, he was not angry.

He just smiled and said: “The only one, what you said is right, I am a bad old man and I am going to correct it today.”

After speaking, the old man picked up the phone and dialed out.

After a while, the phone was connected.

“Hey, four bodyguards? You all come in for a while and deal with two people here.” The old man’s tone was extremely flat.

“No!” Gu Jianing trembled all over.

Gu Xiaoqing also paled in horror: “No…no grandfather, you…you only love me very much. I am abroad, and you send it to my mother every year. There are millions and tens of millions of living expenses abroad. You love us so much…”

“Yes.” The old man interrupted Gu Xiaoqing: “I love you so much, but you dig blood holes in my heart. Even my biological daughter will not let you go!”

Here Gu Jianing also immediately confessed his mistake to Elder Shu: “Uncle, I was wrong uncle! Please don’t punish me and my daughter, right?”

“Uncle! Do you know how hard we live abroad?”

“We are often harassed by others, and others have colored eyes on us.”

“My daughter Xiaoqing, she has such good academic performance, but she is not taken seriously in school!”

“We have suffered discrimination in foreign countries for so many years, uncle…”

Gu Xiaoqing wanted to win the sympathy of Elder Shu by selling miserables. After all, Elder Shu loved her so much since she was a child.

“Because I have suffered unfair treatment abroad, is it the idea of ”‹”‹hitting my daughter and my granddaughter when I return to China?” Grandpa Shu questioned.

Gu Jianing: “…”

She wiped her tears and suddenly had an idea.

She knew that pleading with Mr. Shu would not work today.

She turned and knelt in front of Alyce.

“Alyce…I’m sorry Alyce, it’s all my fault, it’s all my ghosts, I…for the sake of our little girlfriends when we were young, you… Will you spare me this time?”

“We…we are actually cousins.”

“Alyce, I should call you cousin…”

“Stop!” Alyce said immediately.

“You and I have never been cousins.” Alyce’s tone is still very sad.

She was not moved by the actions of Mr. Shu.

At this moment, I will not be softened to Gu Jianing: “How can Gu Jianing and I be little girlfriends? When you were a kid at the door of Shu’s house and ordered the housekeeper of Shu’s house to beat me and drive me away like a beggar, I went to The memory is clear now.”

“You are the princess of the Shu family, and I am the illegitimate daughter of Alyce. You are a princess in the sky, and I am a beggar on the ground. We have never been girlfriends.”

Gu Jianing licked her face and begged, “Alyce, when I was a kid…I was ignorant.”

“When I was young, but what about the day before yesterday? Just the day before yesterday, when you went to my dance company at the age of fifty to corrupt my reputation, you said that I was a ba5tard of the junior three students, and that I was not worthy to go to your Shu family and corrupt my reputation. Is it because you were ignorant when you were a kid?”

Alyce: “…”

“As for you and your uncle, what will happen to your relationship with the Shu family in the future? Does it have anything to do with me?”

“I just need to be clear about one thing, my daughter was framed by you and your daughter.”

“By the way, soon, your mother and daughter will receive a court summons, and I will sue you for defamation and framing! Until I send you to jail! Didn’t you laugh at my daughter’s imprisonment? Gu Jianing, you have always been a noble princess Huh? Then I will let you also have a taste of what it’s like to serve your sentence!”

After a pause, Alyce turned his head to look at Mr. Shu: “And you, whose surname is Shu…”

Punished by His Love Novel alternative…

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