I’m Sorry My Love Novel Chapter 1352 – 1353

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Chapter 1352

Suzi did not intend to shut down.

Her cell phone happened to be dead.

At this moment, she was crying silently on her mother’s sofa.

I didn’t even know that my mobile phone was out of power.

Until one or two hours later, she cried and collapsed. The mother broke a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup and brought it to her, softly shouting: “Xiangxiang, get up and drink something, kid?”

Suzi sat up.

She squeezed a smile: “Mom, I’m fine.”

“Mom knows.” Mother comforted her: “It’s not sad, you still have mother and only one in the future.”

Thinking of the only one, Suzi hesitated and took out his mobile phone to check the time, only to realize that the mobile phone was out of power.

Charging the phone, she was in a daze in her mother’s yard.

However, she couldn’t calm down.

As soon as he calmed down, Arron was all thinking about it.

She couldn’t help it.

Seeing the flowers in the yard, she felt that the flowers were stained with teardrops.

She even felt that the color of the flower was not bright.

Suzi had to admit that she loved Arron too much.

If it were a year ago, when Arron had just captured her back, she could still pretend to be noble and resist for a while, but now, she has fallen. All her heart followed Arron.

Let her leave him now?

How is it possible?

How can it be!

She can’t do it!

Suddenly, she felt that all men in the world are the same. They love the new and dislike the old, and they can’t follow the same pattern. Once a man has a chance and can find a better one, then the previous one will definitely become a dirty rag.

But can she be as sturdy as before and leave him without hesitation?

She really can’t, she’s so weak.

But why is a man’s heart so cruel?

Especially the men in the rich family!

Suzi, you can only blame yourself!

No matter how good Arron treats you, you can’t fall into it!

Because his love has a date, and the date is still very short, in just one year, you have become the past tense.

It’s funny just thinking about it.

The rich man!

How many women flock to him and follow him, Suzi, how can you be so ignorant and so stupid that the love between you and this man will last forever.

You are so stupid.

Sitting in the yard, Suzi was stunned for half an hour.

It was the mother who came over and handed her the phone: “It’s almost the only time to pick up. Would you like your mother to go with you?”

Suzi immediately smiled at his mother: “You don’t need a mother, you believe me, I will get better, I have a mother and a daughter, how can I be decadent.”

The mother smiled relievedly: “Go, be careful on the way, and pick up the child to come to Mom.”

“Yeah.” Suzi nodded.

Taking the phone, she suddenly laughed while driving on the road.

Because suddenly she thought of Dalia.

Not long ago, she was worried because of Dalia’s departure, and even especially hoped that Kraig could chase Dalia back.

It suddenly occurred to him that Dalia had really escaped this shackle.

Because if a woman with no background or family background falls in love with a powerful and powerful man in Beijing, there is really no equality at all.

Chapter 1353

Sister Shan is really wise.

At least Sister Shan has escaped from the sea of ”‹”‹suffering now, and is living a plain, but very real life with her beloved man.

When Suzi was thinking about Sister Shan, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Picking it up, it turned out to be Dalia calling.

For some reason, her eyes were immediately wet.

Tears rushed down.

The extremely strong feeling of pity for the same illness came to his heart, and Suzi took a lot of effort to suppress the sadness.

A minute later, just when the ringtone of the call was about to hang up, Suzi recovered his emotions and connected the phone.

Her tone was peaceful and clear: “Sister Shan, is that you?”

Dalia’s voice came from the other end: “Suzi, just to give you peace, by the way, I can’t pay you back for the time being, because here, my current man and I go out to work together and earn two a day. Hundreds of dollars…”

“Sister Shan, it’s okay, I’m not in a hurry, you don’t have to return it to me, you keep it for use.” Suzi pretended to be relaxed.

At that end, Dalia immediately asked: “What’s wrong with Suzi, are you crying?”

Suzi: “No.”

“How do I feel from your tone that you are sad?” Dalia asked concerned.

Suzi: “I… I am… I miss you a little bit Sister Shan.”

With that, Suzi cried.

“You know, when I first came back from Quxian last year, how many people looked at me with colored eyes, but you were the only one who handed me a bottle of water, with a gentle smile on your face, for the rest of my life. I can’t forget, Sister Shan, I really miss you…” Suzi said in tears.

At this moment, she missed Dalia very much.

Dalia over there was very moved: “Suzi, one day we will meet again, we will definitely meet again, trust me.”

“Well, I believe you Sister Shan, I believe. Sister Shan, you have to be good.” Suzi said.

“Suzi, you also have to be well, and we must all be well.” Dalia said.

“Well, I listen to Sister Shan.”

“I’m hung up, you take care, if I have a chance in the future, I will call you again.” Dalia said.

“Okay, goodbye Sister Shan.”

After closing the line, Suzi parked the car aside, lying on the steering wheel, crying.

She always wanted to hold back her tears.

But I couldn’t help it.

After a full ten minutes of crying in the car, Suzi calmed down his emotions and drove to the kindergarten to pick up the one.

When we got to the place, it was a bit late. When Suzi got off the car, she saw the only child Shen standing in the guardrail of the kindergarten, looking out expectantly.

Seeing Suzi coming over, Lilly immediately twittered: “Mom, mom, I’m here, look at me, I’ve been waiting for you for a few minutes, look at how good I am, I didn’t run out, mom.”

Suzi suddenly smiled: “Well, my only one is really good. When my mother is not here, the only thing is that I can’t run outside, so the bad guys will take you away.”

“I know mom, don’t worry. In fact, the only one who knew early in the morning that my mother would definitely come late today, because today was my mother driving, and my mother was driving very slowly. I understand my mother.” Lilly was very considerate to Suzi Speaking of.

The mother and daughter went out of the kindergarten holding hands.

“What’s your last name for Lilly?” Suzi asked suddenly.

“Shen. What’s the matter, mother?” Lilly asked a little puzzled.

“No…nothing. Suzi barely managed to squeeze a smile: “I just think… you don’t need to change your surname in the future. “

“What’s wrong with you, mom, are you crying, your eyes are red, who bullied you, did you tell your dad?” Lilly asked a series of questions.

Suzi: “The only…we…we may be…”

The relationship between the child and his father is very good, and Suzi doesn’t know what to say.

“Get in the car first,” she said.

When he came to the car, Suzi saw a person standing in front of the car before getting on the car.

“Pan…Pan Haoyang?” Suzi shouted.

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