Catch Me If You Love Me Complete Chapter Links

In this article, we will update Catch Me If You Love Me complete chapter links. If you are interested in reading this superb Chinese novel from start to end. Here is your spot to locate the chapters. Pick a link and enjoy it for free.

In this version, we have changed the names of the main characters. This is to give global readers a more relatable and comprehensible experience. The plot and the storyline of the whole novel, meanwhile, will remain the same.

If everything is going perfect in your life and the very next day it is all turned upside down. How shocking that experience could be? The male protagonist of this novel experiences something like this. His lover, an innocent beautiful girl one day breaks up with him.

Chapter 01 – 100

Chapter 101 – 200

Chapter 201 – 300

Chapter 301 – 400

Chapter 401 – 500

Chapter 501 – 600

Chapter 601 – 700

Chapter 701 – 800

He is told that the whole affair was a joke, she never loved him ever. Standing at the station, where he was expecting her, he could only wonder, “How is this even possible?” Is he right in making conclusions?

Catch Me If You Love Me Online

The story gets interesting. This is because the girl had to sacrifice the affair in order to save his life. The life of her poisoned father and young, little brother, as well. She will be sold to a wealthy man, as her virgin blood is an aphrodisiac.

She tells her man to leave the city and never return. Yet every day with the sunrise, till night, when her eyes close. She waits for his return. Will he ever come back to rescue her? To find that out you will have to read the full novel Catch Me If You Love Me.

Here you can find all the chapter links. Do read and recommend to your friends.

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