Bewedded Not Beloved Complete Free Online

In this article, we will share the Bewedded Not Beloved Complete Chapter Links. You can read online for free the chapter of this Chinese novel. Chose a chapter you want for free online, click on it and you will be taken to that particular chapter.

However, in this novel, we have changed the names of the major characters to give the global audience a more relatable experience. Nevertheless, all the plots, subplots, and the storyline of the Bewedded Not Beloved are intact.

Bewedded Not Beloved Complete Chapter Links

This is the story of a girl who finds herself in a situation where she will have to marry the most powerful person in her city. This handsome man was in love with the female protagonist’s elder sister. This elder sister dared to provoke the powerful man and broke the engagement.

Now she has moved to England. The powerful president is furious and is demanding his in-laws to arrange the marriage as soon as possible. He is broken-hearted and wants someone to make his ex-fiancée jealous.

Chapter 01 – 100

Chapter 101 – 200

Chapter 201 – 300

Chapter 301 – 400

Chapter 401 – 500

Thus the young female protagonist gets orders from the father to get ready for the marriage. It all happens in a rush. She becomes the wife of a handsome man who is the talk of the town for his looks and appearance, not to talk about the vast wealth that he has at his disposal.

Bewedded Not Beloved Novel Free Online

On the first night, she is shown an agreement according to which their relationship will last for the next twelve months only. After that, it will be a divorce and she will be compensated in kind. She has no feelings whatsoever towards her sudden husband and it seems that she is not going to lose much by agreeing to the terms.

Six months pass and he does not come to her. One day she goes to his office to tell him about the ailing condition of his grandmother. She has had a heart attack and hospitalized. Being her favorite grandson, she is asking for him.

When the wife enters the office room despite the warnings from the secretary. Inside the room, she finds her husband in an objectionable position with his male assistant. This is a shocking revelation for her. From this day on life will not be the same for this beautiful girl.

Bewedded Not Beloved Novel Read Online

Since you are here that means you are interested in reading the novel. Here we will provide you all the chapters of the Bewedded Not Beloved novel to read for free. You can go to any chapter link and finish it free online from this website.

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