Sweet Infatuation Love You to the Deep Chapter 217 – 219

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Chapter 217

Anya Song tilted her head up, closed her eyes and let the cold water spray on her face.

Immersed in her own thoughts, she didn’t notice that someone was quietly approaching behind her.

Suddenly, with a tightness on her waist, she opened her eyes abruptly and turned her head, facing a handsome face in full fury.

“What the hell are you doing? Torture yourself or torture me?”

Jerad did not expect the water to be cold, the moment his hand touched the cold water, anger sprang up from the bottom of his heart.

In the face of his splitting question, Anya Song indifferently left her head, “This has nothing to do with you.”

The tone was so cold that it didn’t have a trace of emotion.

Jerad’s pupils shrank and a cold smile spread over his l!ps, “Regret?”

Anya Song didn’t make a sound.

He lifted his hand and cupped her chin, forcing her to look at him, but her stubborn eyes were hanging down and she wouldn’t look at him.

He raised a wicked smile, leaning in close, just as his l!ps were about to press against hers, she fiercely turned her head away, escaping his shackles.

“Shen Murphy, don’t make me hate you.” She said coldly.

“Hate me?” Jerad’s sword eyebrows were slightly raised, then his hand followed the graceful curves of her body inch by inch, his fingertips with teasing, “You were very passionate last night, it’s not like you hated me. Hmm?”

Anya Song closed her eyes, her body trembled lightly, she hated herself for not having a backbone, knowing that he was doing it on purpose, but she still couldn’t control her shy reaction.

“Jerad I hate you.” Her voice was broken from enduring her instinctive desire ~desire.

“Then hate.” Jerad pressed her against the wall with a strong hand, and before she could react, he uprighted himself and entered her.

In the primal lust ~ hope, Anya Song gradually lost herself.

One mistake after another, there was no turning back.

After everything was over, he helped her clean up her body and then carried her to the bed.

Anya Song pulled the blanket over her whole body and blindfolded herself, “You go.”

Her choked voice came out from the quilt.

Jerad’s eyes looked at her hiding in the quilt for a long time before he lightly opened his thin l!ps, “Anya, if people keep deceiving themselves, it will only be painful, why not face everything openly?”

She didn’t make a sound.

He continued, “I’ll wait for you.”

Knowing she hadn’t figured it out yet, and he didn’t want to force her.

So, he picked up the clothes on the floor and put them on one by one, looking deeply at her, still hiding under the blanket, before leaving.

There were things that didn’t need to be rushed, and he had faith that she would come to his side.

Anya Song was absent from work.

Lina made many phone calls, but she couldn’t get through, so she had no choice but to contact Ruona.

And after Ruona knew that, she also immediately contacted Anya, but her cell phone was just as unreachable.

Last night, Anya was returning from her home, and she was worried that something might have happened halfway.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the car and see if it’s a good idea to take a look at the car.

The person who came out made Ruona a sudden silly wish.

Jerad did not expect his sister-in-law to appear here, and was stunned.

Only after a long while did Ruona let out a dry voice, “Why are you here?”

He’s here. Where’s Anya?

Did they?

Jerad did not show a trace of panic, “Sister-in-law, we are all adults, I won’t explain.”

Ruona’s face suddenly changed, “You and Anya you guys,”

Ruona was so shocked that she couldn’t even speak clearly.

“It’s just like that.” Jerad frankly admitted.

Seeing how he was downplaying the situation, Ruona couldn’t help but get angry, “Jerad, do you know what you’re doing?”

“I know.”

“Know? Then let me ask you, what can you give to Anya? Marriage you can give?”

Jerad was silent, his marriage was never his to decide, so how could he promise to give her marriage?

Seeing that he was silent, Ruona hooked a sneer, “What? Can’t answer that?”

She took a deep breath and then said, “I asked Ethan, he said your fiancée is the granddaughter of your grandfather’s old war buddy, and had a life of grace, how can such a marriage contract be broken by you just by saying it.”

She was talking about the fact that Jerad had always been very clear, and maybe it really couldn’t be changed, but that didn’t affect the fact that he liked Anya.

“I like Anya.” He looked at Ruona steadily, looking very sincere and serious.

“Then let go, she can’t afford the name of a mistress.”

Ruona gave him a deep look, then walked around him and went in, suddenly her footsteps were on one side.

Because Anya Song was standing next to the shoebox at the entrance.

Then everything they said was heard by her.

Anya Song didn’t have a single expression on her face, just looked at her, and him, quietly.

“Anya.” Ruona shouted with a worried face.

Hearing her shout “Anya”, Jerad turned around, Anya Song’s slender figure fell into his eyes, and her dark eyes set off a shallow wave.

“Chunchu, you’re here.” Anya Song raised her l!ps slightly at Ruona, her look indifferent and her eyes empty.

“Anya, actually,” seeing her like this, Ruona’s heart suddenly tightened, wanting to walk over and hug her, but she saw her lift her feet and walk over, walking past her side and straight to Jerad.

Jerad look into her unfocused eyes, heart pain, opened his mouth: “Anya.”


He didn’t have time to finish his sentence, and a slap on his cheek interrupted the head of his words.

Pupils dilated, he looked at her incredulously.

I saw her smiling coldly, looking sad and depressed, “Jerad, from now on, we don’t care about each other, and whatever happened is treated as a dream. Now please leave.”

“Why?” Jerad doesn’t understand that obviously they are so suitable, but she still wants to push him away once and for all.

So what if there is no marriage, isn’t it enough for two people to love each other.

“Because,” she paused, her eyes gradually had focus, penetrating a trace of cold chill, she continued word by word: “I, hate, you!”

I hate you!

A single word erased everything that had happened to them.

The door was slammed heavily shut.

Looking at the red copper colored door in front of me, my heart felt like it had been hollowed out and it was very, very hard to feel.

Obviously she was behind the door, and how could it be that there was just a door between him and her.

On the other side of the door, Ruona looked worriedly at Anya Song, who was closing the door, and didn’t know how to speak.

Anya Song stared down at the door lock, her eyes sore, and tears almost came out of her eyes.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you’re looking for.

Even if it’s like love, so what, inappropriate is inappropriate.

Chapter 218

Ruona sat on the sofa and turned to look at Anya Song who was pouring her water, her eyes filled with worry.

Anya didn’t seem like there was anything wrong with her, it was normal, perfectly normal.

But the more she looked like this, the more worried she became.

After knowing Anya for so many years, it wasn’t that she didn’t understand Anya, the sadder she was, the more normal she would act in front of others.

At the end of the day, she was just holding on hard, not wanting to worry those who cared about her.

Anya Song came over with a glass of water and put it in front of her, then sat across from her.

“What made you think of coming to see me?” Anya Song smiled and asked.

“Lena called me and said you weren’t at work and your phone was still disconnected, and she was worried if something had happened to you. That’s why I’m here.”

When Anya Song heard this, she mischievously stood up, “I’m going, I actually forgot to go to work.”

Saying that, she lifted her foot and walked quickly to her room.

Ruona looked at her and said softly as she reached the door, “Anya, if you’re sad, cry out, don’t hold it in.”

Upon hearing the words, her footsteps pounded, Anya Song responded without turning her head: “I’m fine.”

The words fell, she quickly entered the room.

Seeing the situation, Ruona sighed heavily and didn’t know what to do.

Anya Song closed the door as soon as she entered the room, her back pressed against the door, looking at the messy bed, the air seemed to have his scent left in it.

She smiled bitterly, looking silent, some people are like drugs, touching them and trying to quit is incredibly painful.

Painful, heartbreaking.

Slowly squatting down, she wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her head between them, unable to control the pain she lost her voice.

Ruona walked to the door, raised her hand to knock on the door, faintly hearing the cries coming from inside.

Her hand froze in mid-air, then she sighed softly, withdrew her hand and turned around.

Although she wanted to be there for her, since she had chosen to vent alone, it meant that she didn’t want to be disturbed.

So, everything would wait until she calmed down.

“Well, I’m here with Anya. There’s something wrong with her, and I’m not sure I want to spend time with her. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of myself.”

“Well, bye.”

Ruona hung up the phone call from Seokjin, then walked over to open the fridge.

Luckily there was still some food in stock.

She looked back at the door that was still closed and raised her eyebrows, later when Anya was tired of crying, she would definitely be hungry, so she would have to make some food.

She took out all the food in the fridge, she would cook a delicious meal for Anya to comfort her.

Anya Song finished venting her emotions to her heart’s content, and after her mood stabilized, she left the room.

As soon as she walked out, she smelled the aroma of food, she was stunned, then her steps hurried to the kitchen.

When she saw the busy figure in the kitchen, she quirked her eyebrows and walked over, “Hatsumoto, why are you still here?”

At the sound of the news, Ruona looked back at her with a gentle smile, “Go sit down and prepare dinner.”

After saying that, she continued to busy herself with the matter at hand.

She had only just been discharged from the hospital, her body hadn’t fully recovered, and she was worrying about her business.

Anya Song’s heart was overwhelmed.

She walked over and took the kitchen knife in Ruona’s hand, “Let me help you.”

Ruona didn’t excuse herself and said with a smile, “Yes, I’m worried about being busy.”

Anya Song smiled back, then lowered her head and began to cut the vegetables in her hand.

Ruona wiped her hands on her apron and looked at her with a gentle, shallow smile, her eyes very distressed.

Her eyes were swollen and red from crying, and she could tell that she also had feelings for Murphy.

But it was destined to be a fruitless relationship. Jerad was already engaged to be married, and it was simply impossible with her.

Since that was the case, it would be good for both her and Murphy to think about it sooner, saving her from dwelling on it, which would definitely affect Anya even more.

Therefore, she absolutely couldn’t let Anya suffer the slightest bit of harm.

“Hatsumode, the vegetables are cut and still need to be made”

What two words were contained in her mouth, Anya Song turned her head to see Ruona staring blankly not knowing what to think, she frowned and then called out, “Beginnings.”

“Huh?” Ruona was pulled back by her voice and blinked, asking somewhat blankly, “What’s wrong?”

Anya Song looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before she pointed at the chopped vegetables on the case and asked, “The vegetables are cut, what else do you need help with?”

Ruona looked at the eyes, then smiled and said, “No need, you go wash your face and come over for dinner.”

After saying that, he saw that she was still standing without moving.

“Go on.” Ruona pushed her out of the kitchen.

Anya Song looked at her for a moment before walking away.

Looking at her back, Ruona pursed her l!ps and smiled, before returning to the kitchen to get busy.

The first thing you need to know is how to make sure that you’re going to be able to get the most out of your money.

And Anya Song also only occasionally agree with a sentence, the rest of the time are quietly eating.

The two people together finished washing the dishes, each poured a cup of tea to the living room to sit down.

Ruona took a light sip of tea, and only after a moment’s silence did she say, “Anya, I’ll make it clear to him on Jerad’s side.”

Anya Song looked down at the light green tea in the cup, not knowing what she was thinking, and did not make a sound.

Sighing lightly, Ruona said again, “Anya, I’m sorry.”

Her sudden apology made Anya Song raise her head and look at her in dismay.

Ruona apologized and smiled, “If it wasn’t for that time Ethan asked Murphy to go to the police station and bail you out, then you wouldn’t have come to this point.”

So that’s what she said.

Anya Song shook her head, “It’s none of your business. In the end, it’s my own problem.”

After saying that, she lowered her head once again, looking somewhat lonely and depressed.

Looking at her, Ruona thought about it and decided to tell her about Jerad’s situation.

“Jerad’s fiancée is the granddaughter of his grandfather’s old war buddy. His fiancée’s grandfather once saved Jerad’s grandfather’s life on the battlefield, so the old man’s meaning is that he wants to repay the other party by letting Jerad and the other party’s granddaughter set up a marriage contract, which can be considered a k!ss on top of a k!ss.”

Anya Song listened quietly for a long time, her l!ps seemingly curled up, “Isn’t that good?”

She sounded hopelessly depressed, and Ruona’s heart was tight with worry, “Anya”

Anya Song lifted her head and smiled at her, “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I didn’t also survive HAnyachen’s incident, not to mention that it’s not like Jerad and I have ever been together, it’s just something that happened in a moment of brain heat, that’s nothing.”

But her expression didn’t look like it was fine.

And HAnyachen, that scum, she didn’t think that Anya loved him, it was more like worship, I guess.

There are people who seem to love each other, but actually don’t.

Some people, seemingly unloved, are deeply in love with each other.

How fortune is thin!

Ruona sighed a long sigh, and finally didn’t say anything else to comfort her.

Chapter 219

Fabia Ying completely subverted herself today.

A pair of black thick-framed glasses hung from the bridge of her nose, and they were so large that they almost blocked half of her pretty face.

Her body was wearing a grey professional suit, and the length of the skirt exceeded her knees, so it didn’t fit her.

When she appeared in the office in this appearance, the two girls at the front desk did not recognize her and stopped her.

By the time she gave her name, the two little girls’ jaws were about to drop to the floor.

God! A woman dressed in such a tacky outfit is actually the same fashionable woman who was dressed in a designer yesterday… that’s not even close!!!!

Of course it wasn’t just them who were shocked, there was also Albert.

Once Albert saw today’s Fabia Ying, his eyes almost fell out and it took him a long time to say something.

“You’re sick today, aren’t you?”

Look at her outfit. It’s vulgar!

Two words, very vulgar!

Three words, cheesy as hell!

A typical spinster’s outfit, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with her brain that she would stoop so low as to dress up like this.

“You’re the one who’s sick!” Fabia Ying gave him 3 a glance in a bad mood.

“You’re not sick, what are you doing dressed like that?”

Fabia Ying pushed up her glasses and said in a cool tone: “Isn’t this someone who thinks I’m incapable? I had to dress like that to look professional.”

That seemed to be what he said.

Albert softly “coughed” and spoke with special care for fear of annoying her.

“Actually, whether one’s ability is professional or not isn’t reflected in dressing up either.”

“Huh?” An eye blade shot over.

Albert instantly conceded, “But usually the ones dressed like this have very professional and powerful abilities.”

“Counting you sensible.” Fabia Ying pushed her glasses once again, then a pair of beautiful eyes swept the office through the lens that had no prescription and asked, “May I ask where is my position, Mr. Lu?”

Albert looked at it, then pointed to the spot where Henry Lu used to sit and said, “Just sit there.”

Fabia Ying walked over, her fingertips caressed the table and took a look, “Well, the company’s hygiene is still doing well.”

Albert Lu:”

She can really sound like a leader who came to inspect the work.

Pulling out her chair and sitting down, Fabia Ying opened the drawers one by one, checked them, and then looked up at Albert Lu, “Mr. Lu, can I apply for a different desk?”

“Why?” Isn’t this table nice? Why do you have to change for good?

“Because” the chair slid back, Fabia Ying clasped her hands in front of her chest, indicating the drawers with her chin, “the previous user of this table was very unhygienic, and the drawers were full of unknown crumbs, which looked particularly disgusting.”

Upon hearing that, Albert Lu walked over, and after seeing what she said, his sword eyebrows raised, nodding his head to her request without saying a word.

“Only today did I discover that you’re pretty good too.” Fabia Ying stood up and teasingly stroked his chin, then gracefully walked past him.

Albert Lu raised his hand to stroke the chin she had touched and laughed lowly, then turned to look at her, only to see her raise her hand and wave it at him as she walked away, “Mr. Lu, I’ve missed work to pick out a desk.”

Albert Lu watched her leave without saying a word, a faint smile always in the corner of his l!ps.

In order to pick a satisfactory desk, Fabia Ying also asked her two best friends out.

The three of them arranged to meet up at Home City.

When she saw Ruona and Anya Song who appeared together, Fabia Ying blinked in surprise, “You two are together, huh?”

Then realizing what was wrong, he asked, “Shouldn’t Anya be at work?”

Ruona looked at Anya Song, who wasn’t in a very high mood, and then explained for her, “Anya took the day off today, and when you asked us to meet up, she just happened to come over to see me, so we came over together.”

She wasn’t sure if Anya was willing to let Chic know about her and Murphy, so she chose to hide it for her first.

But after receiving a grateful look from Anya, Ruona knew that she hadn’t done anything wrong.

There were things that less people knew would also be less troublesome.

Otherwise, with Xiaoxiang’s character, as soon as she knew about this matter, she might rush to find Jerad to settle the score, then things would only be more troublesome.

Although it’s not good to hide this from her, it’s good for Anya.

Fabia Ying didn’t doubt her words though, just nodded her head, “Oh, so that’s how it is.”

Then, she walked among them and affectionately took their hands, “Go, accompany me to pick a satisfactory table. I’ll treat you to a big dinner tonight.”

At that moment, Ruona noticed something wrong and looked her up and down sideways, her eyebrows saved, “You’re dressed in a retro style today?!”

Anya Song also noticed it and looked at her in confusion.

Fabia Ying smiled awkwardly, “I’m just a vintage style, yes, vintage style, vintage style.”

“Yeah?” Ruona’s eyebrows raised, “You’re not only vintage style, but also tacky to” she paused, her eyebrows furrowed, her face disgusted, “I don’t even know how to describe it.”

“No, I think it’s not bad eh guys look, how intellectual eh”

Fabia Ying spun around in front of them.

Intellectual? She’s right, isn’t she?

Ruona laughed out loud and rudely damaged her, “You don’t call this intellectual, you call it old-fashioned and vulgar!”

Fabia Ying’s l!ps drooped as she turned to look at Anya Song, “Anya, do you feel the same?”

“Uh,” Anya Song hesitated, carefully wording it, “Chic, you have such a good figure, but you can’t even show your strengths dressed like this, so how will Mr. Lu see it?”

The last sentence Anya Song spoke vaguely, Fabia Ying didn’t hear it clearly, “Anya, what did you say at the end, I didn’t hear it clearly.”

She didn’t hear it clearly, Ruona heard it clearly.

“Anya is saying that you dressing like this be careful not to make a mess and scare men away.”

After saying that, she and Anya Song couldn’t help but laugh.

Fabia Ying, on the other hand, looked very serious as she pondered her words.

Ruona and Anya Song looked at each other, then walked over, one of them holding her arm on one side, dragging her inside the Home City.

“Don’t think about it, you’d better hurry up and buy a table so we can be invited to a big dinner.”

Ruona said.

“Chunchu, are men more interested in the inside or the outside?” Fabia Ying asked.

“Men like good women who are good inside and out. For example,”

At this point, Ruona paused, and the other two were forced to stop, looking at her, puzzled as to why she suddenly stopped.

She only revealed a smug smile, then continued with what she had just left unfinished: “Me! I told you excellent women inside and out.”

The atmosphere was quiet and inexplicably awkward.

Fabia Ying and Anya Song looked at her indifferently for a long while, then both of them lifted their feet at the same time and continued to walk forward.

“I know that the style of desks on a few floors are nice and cheap.”

“Yeah? Then you show me.”

The two of them walked forward as they spoke, leaving Ruona where she was.

Ruona looked at them and sighed softly, “It really is still my family Ethan who appreciates me.”

Seeing them walking further and further away, she hurriedly chased after them.

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